Part : 9

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Introduction to some other characters :

Name : Xiao Xingchen
Age : 22
University student

Name : Xiao XingchenAge : 22University student

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Name : Wen Ning
Age :22
University student

°°Name : Wen QingAge : 30Occupation : Doctor

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Name : Wen Qing
Age : 30
Occupation : Doctor

°°Name : Wen QingAge : 30Occupation : Doctor

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Xue Yang, Wei Wuxian and Nei Huaisang goes to airport.

Nei Huaisang saw Wen Ning with Wen Qing and Xiao Xingchen.

After that all greet each other. Nei Huaisang hugs Wen Ning and says : I missed you so much.

Wen Ning : I missed you too.

Wei Wuxian aks Wen Qing : How are you!?

Wen Qing : I'm fine.

Wei Wuxian introduce Wen Ning and Wen Qing to Xue Yang.

Xiao Xingchen was looking so cute and adorable. He was wearing spectacle. Xue Yang was continuously staring at him.

After that Wei Wuxian was about to introduce Xiao Xingchen to Xue Yang but in meantime Xue Yang ask to WY : Who is this "Double Battery". (points on Xiao Xingchen, and gives a naughty smile)

Nei Huaisang : He is not double battery he is our friend.

Xiao Xingchen gets angry. He stares Xue Yang with his narrow eyes.

Wei Wuxian was laughing by showing his bunny teeth. WY says to Xue Yang : He is Xiao Xingchen.

Xiao Xingchen asks to Wei Wuxian and Nei Huaisang : How can you make this person your friend?? He is so annoying.

Wei Wuxian : He behaved like this only with you. He talks normally with us.

Xue Yang says : Hi Xiao Xingchen, I'm Xue Yang.

Xiao Xingchen : Hi!

After that Xiao Xingchen ignore Xue Yang. Xue Yang then pinch Xiao Xingchen's Cheek.

Xiao Xingchen scold Xue Yang : Don't touch me.

Xue Yang : As you wish, "Double Battery".

All started to laugh. Xiao Xingchen ignore Xue Yang.

Xiao Xingchen takes a deep breath and says to Xue Yang : You are so annoying.

At another day Wei Wuxian, Nei Huaisang, Wen Ning and Xiao Xingchen were in bar. They were enjoying there.

Wen Ning says to WY : I'm sorry Wei Wuxian, I was unable to attend your wedding. When will you introduce us to your husband Lan Wangji.

WY : He is not my husband anymore.

Xiao Xingchen : But why?? What happened to both of you??

WY : I was not happy with that relationship.

After that, Xiao Xingchen went to washroom. He saw that Xue Yang was also there in bar and he was surrounded by 5-6 hot girls. Suddenly he kissed one girl, she was also enjoying with Xue Yang. Other girls were trying to seduce Xue Yang. At that moment Xue Yang and Xiao Xingchen saw each other. Xue Yang feels so uncomfortable in between those girls when he saw that Xiao Xingchen saw them kissing.

Xiao Xingchen turns his face and immediately leave from there. Xue Yang suddenly pushed that girl which he was kissing.

Xue Yang went to washroom and wash his face. Xue Yang thinks in mind - " Why I feel so uncomfortable when Xiao Xingchen saw that I'm kissing that girl? Why I'm feeling so guilty? I don't know the reason but I want to talk to Xiao Xingchen. It's my first time that I'm so confused with my own feelings".


At Lan Mansion

Wen Qing went to Lan Mansion to meet Wangji. Wen Qing and Lan Wangji are old friends.

Wen Qing and Wangji were sitting at living room. Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng also came there to meet Wen Qing after a long time.

Jiang Cheng ask Wen Qing : Hii! How are you?

Wen Qing : Hello, I'm fine.

Wen Qing says to Wangji : I heard that Wei Wuxian gives you divorce. Is it true?

LZ : Yes! (gets upset)

Lan Xichen : Meng Yao is the reason for divorce.

Wen Qing : How?

Jiang Cheng : Two years ago Meng Yao try to seduce Lan Xichen but Lan Xichen rejected him. Then he had a chance to propose Wangji. But Wangji's marriage was decided with Wei Wuxian.

Lan Xichen continues : Meng Yao took advantage when he knows that WY is not interested in marriage. He incited Wei Wuxian against Wangji. Wei Wuxian trust Meng Yao too much.

Wen Qing : So, what should we can do now?? Is there any solution of this problem?

Jiang Cheng : Nei Huaisang can help us. At Sunday we will put a meeting.

Lan Xichen : We will reunite Wangji and Wei Wuxian.

Wangji gets satisfied when Lan Xichen support him.

Wen Qing : I am so angry with Meng Yao.(she continues) Don't worry Wangji we will support you.


At night Wangji was very happy that he will reunite with Wei Wuxian. He has a hope. He prepared food.

Lan Wangji remembers that He always cooked food for Wei Wuxian, and Wei Wuxian relished food made by Wangji. It was different that Wei Wuxian did not appreciate the food made by Wangji. But when Wei Wuxian ate the food anyone could tell from Wei Wuxian's face that he really liked the food.

It has now become Wangji's habit that he sleeps with Wei Wuxian's photo. He was missing Wei Wuxian so much.

Thanks for reading 😊😊

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