Chapter 6

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It had been 3 days since I found the letter under my pillow. I had one more day to go until I was supposed to open it.

The puppets were all downstairs with me. Wally and Julie making paper flowers on the couch, and Sally on the counter next to me, talking about her next play.

"And then, I want to have fireworks EVERYWHERE!", Sally yelled, making motions with her arms.

I just chuckled as I continued to ice the cupcakes I had just made.

"Y/N! Look at the flowers we made!", Julie said running up to me with some very messily made flowers in their hand.

"Wow, that's a lot of flowers, but PLEASE tell me there isn't paper everywhere..", I said peeking over, just to see paper sprawled all over the couch and floor. I just internally groaned, "Okay, uh, you guys eat those cupcakes, I'll pick up the mess."

"Are there apples in them?"

"Wally why would I put fucking apples in cupcakes?"


I had finished picking up the paper, and I realized that the puppets had eaten most of the tray already. "DAMN?! Y'all work fast on sweets", I said, taking a bite.

"They were really good, sorry Y/N!", Julie said giggling while Sally and Wally just nodded in agreement.

I just playfully rolled my eyes while taking a bite of the cupcake.

"You know what? I never really asked how y'all got here", I said with my mouth full.

They all just looked at me and I stared back at them, "What? It's a genuine question", I shrugged when Sally spoke up.

"Honestly, I don't really know how I got here, I just remember dancing on stage, when one of my spikes came off and fell through the crack in the wood", Sally said, motioning to her head, "Then everything went black, and then I woke up here", she was leaning back in her chair.

I just looked in Shock before Julie also spoke up. "I remember I was gardening when I ripped my dress, and then everything also went dark for me, then I woke up here!", Julie was fiddling with the hem of their dress.

I then looked dead at Wally. "And you?", I raised an eyebrow. He just looked at his cupcake, then looked at me.

"I came through your screen, remember?", He just cocked his head to the side.

"Okay, but you didn't really provide a full explanation?..", I just muttered while side-eyeing him.

"Well I don't know, I heard you say something, I forgot what it was but you said something, and I wanted to 'talk' to you, so I maybe did a bit of this and that and ended up here..?", he said while shrugging.

"Is that believable?"



"Uh, no"

All three of us were just staring at Wally after he gave his explanation.

"You know what, nevermind", I just shrugged while slowly turning away.


All four of us were now in the living room, just doing something separately.

I tried to keep my mind off the letter upstairs, because I knew that I was impatient as fuck and that I would open it regardless, but I also knew something bad would happen.

It was just me and 3 puppets, in my house peacefully before a loud knock at the door startled us.

"Y/N!~ OPEN THE DOOR PRETTY PLEASE?!", I heard my friend, Kathy, yell from the other side of the door.

"hoLY FUCK KATHY, DON'T DO THAT", I yelled back. Quickly remembering the puppets, I looked back at them.

"Hide, go limp, just do something that doesn't show you guys are, well, alive?", I whisper-yelled through gritted teeth. I watched as the puppets just went completely still on the couch, looking not so suspicious anymore.

I rushed to the door and opened it. "Heyyy Kathy, what are you doing here?", I asked nervously.

"Y/N! I thought I would just drop by reeeee OOOOK", she said looking in my house and locking eyes with the puppets on the couch.

"Uh, where did you even get these from?!", She yelled in surprise, going to pick up the puppets.

"You see, uh, I found them on...uh...E-Bay, mhm, E-Bay! For like 30 bucks each and so since I found the restoration project so interesting I thought I", I nervously spat out as Kathy examined each one of the dolls.

"Holy shit these are cool! And they look so authentic too!", She suddenly picked up Wally, and I saw Sally and Julie's eyes also dart towards her nervously.

"Are there more that you saw for sale?", she said looking towards me, her attention away from Wally.

"Yeah, quite a few! I bought the rest aswell though, so, oh well!", I just shrugged as I nervously looked at Wally. He looked like he was about to take a bite out of her head so I quickly rushed over and grabbed him out of her hands.

"I just forgot! He had a ripped seam, so maybe come back later and we can talk more about them? Okay?", I said as I lightly tossed Wally on the couch before ushering Kathy out the house.

"Wait, bu-"

"Buh Bye!", I yelled out as I quickly shut the door.

Sighing in relief, I looked back over to the puppets. "Uh, well, that was exciting?", I nervously chuckled.

"Next time, I'll make sure she never puts her filthy hands on me again", Wally said all happily.

"Wally what the actual fuck?", I said in complete shock, because that caught me off-guard.


Once again, I was resting in my room, and I thought about the envelope.

"Hm, I'm gonna have to open that tomorrow, huh?", I muttered to myself.

Turning over on my pillow, I looked over at my nightstand.

"How in the hell am I supposed to fit an 8ft tall dog in my house?"



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