Chapter 14

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Silver's POV:

We all flew up in the air back to camp. Lele stayed ahead of us in order to lead the way. I was right beside her, but a little bit behind. Lex stayed behind us, keeping watch of our prisoner. Max was the one who held said prisoner.

"Let me go right now!!" Our prisoner squirmed. "Shut up. Doctor Salma was it? Yeah I'm gonna need you to shut your trap before I drop you and break your legs please. Can you do that?" Max threatened, immediately shutting her up.

Still, it looked like she wanted to speak out against this. "Max, just drop her already. If she wants a reason to act up, we can simply just give her one." Lex suggested. "No Lex! We need her alive. To answer our questions." Lele demanded.

"Tch, f*cking buzzkill..." Lex rolled her eyes. "How much farther now Lele?" I asked. "Not too far, just about a mile or two." Lele answered. "About damn time. I can finally have some time to look for a decent sparring partner." Lex said.

"Hey you. Half-breed." It felt like Lex was talking to me. "Yes?" I looked behind me. "You have that bastard's power within you too, right?" She asked me. "What're you talking about?" I was genuinely confused for a moment.

"Majin you dipsh*t!" Lex snapped. "Okay damn! Anyways, yes I do. Why do you ask?" I questioned. "You and I are gonna have a little sparring session once this is over. No ifs ands or butts about it." Lex demanded.

"I don't remember consenting to this-" I tried to appeal to Alex. "Either you accept it now and fight me later, or we fight right now and I rip your balls off your crotch and force you to eat it." Lex threatened. There was a vast silence as we flew in the dawn colored sky.

"Okay." I replied weakly. "Good. We'll see if you're worthy to hold half of his power." Lex said. "Your accomplice is really terrifying." Doctor Salma commented. "Trust me lady, we know." Max replied.

We weren't as far from the camp anymore. In fact, we ended up arriving much quicker than we had realized. After flying in long term silence, we made it back to camp. Once we landed in the woods, we walked towards the entrance by foot.

"I'm positive that I can walk by myself now, so can you please let me down..?" Doctor Salma asked. Max groaned, and dropped her to the ground. She almost fell face first, but barely caught herself on all four limbs.

 She almost fell face first, but barely caught herself on all four limbs

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"W-where do you plan on taking me now?" Doctor Salma puzzled. "Home. Our home." I answered. Lex pushed Doctor Salma, forcing her to walk with us. "If you run away, I break your legs. Fight back, and I rip your head. Got it?" Lex looked at her maliciously.

"Y-y-yes... I-I understand.." Doctor Salma walked along with fear. "You didn't have to scare her like that you know." I looked back at Lex. "Oh don't go soft now, didn't you freeze their entire city? You're no f*cking saint." Lex spoke.

"Calm down. I'm just saying that there's a time to go berserk, and a time to calm down. We don't need her fearing us to get answers Lex." I told her. "Oh my f*cking God, you sound just like him and it's pissing me off." Lex shook her head.

Luckily, the moment was gone for that very time. "Was it really necessary though... to kill all of those people? Some of them were your people.. enslaved dragons..." Doctor Salma looked down. "Why do you care? Aren't you all for torturing dragons..?" Max asked.

"No not at all! I just happened to be one of the best doctors they had on the field is all... I honestly despised what I did with a passion to be perfectly honest with you." Doctor Salma spoke her peace.

"Tch, I didn't kill them by the way.. the ice they're stuck in isn't fatal. I made sure to use reservatory ice so that the scouts can take care of the rest. If I really wanted to kill them all, I'd use thicker sheets of ice if anything." I assured.

"Oh.. I see." Doctor Salma said, sounding slightly more comfortable. Then, a rustle was heard past the camp bushes up ahead. "Stop." Lele demanded us. We all stopped and waited for whatever it was to come out.

Turns out, it was Ajin and Mango who hopped out of the bushes. "BROTHER-!!" Ajin ran up to me to give me a hug, but right before he could even make contact with me, he stopped dead in his tracks as soon as he laid eyes on Doctor Salma.

"Uh, hey Ajin..?" I greeted. "Hello guys! Who's that you have with you?" Mango asked, oblivious to what was happening. "Salma... is that you..?" Ajin's eyes began to fill up with tears. It took a moment, but after a few seconds of staring, Salma also began to tear up with a gasp.

"Ajin... is that-" Salma slowly reach a hand out, but Lex was about to intrude. Before Lex could do that, Ajin immediately ran at Salma and hugged her to the ground. And there they were, both hugging each other while sobbing their eyes out.

"Woah... I didn't know this was an emotional time to come by.." Mango commented quietly. "I... I thought you were dead..." Ajin kept sobbing. "It's okay Jinjin... I'm here now.." Salma kept hugging Ajin.

That's when I suddenly remembered... after I had saved him; he mentioned an adult that went by the name of Salma. He sounded really fond of her too. I realized right then and there... I had saved the one person he held close this whole time.

"Silver... can she stay with us..?" Ajin asked. "I-I think-" I almost said my answer aloud. "Not yet kid. We're still on a mission here. We need to bring her over to Zey for further questioning." Lele said.

Ajin had to have heard that because his look began to show disappointment as soon as he heard that, but he still held onto Salma without delay. "Ajin.." Salma laid a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay... maybe I can visit you later..?" Salma spoke softly.

Ajin looked like he didn't want to leave, but it looked like he was listening to something, or better yet someone that we couldn't see. My guess, it had to be Don that convinced him to finally move along.

And there he was, walking back to the house with Mango, hoping that we'd walk there soon along with Salma at our side. "Are you ready?" I picked Salma up off the ground. "Yes... if it's to see Ajin again, I'll gladly do so." Salma wiped her tears.

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