Chapter 30

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Ajin's POV:

"Okay. I brought Salma Ajin!" Majin announced as he walked into the house, leading Salma and an unexpected guest inside towards the living room where everyone else was. Hanemi happened to be the unexpected guest.

"Wait, Hanemi?? What is she doing here?" I asked. "She said that she was curious on what was going on and asked if she could come. I told her no, but she said that she knew about navigation so I brought her along for this." Majin explained.

I shook my head in exasperation. "Wait, navigation? I can fly and I'm good at navigating. What's going on?" Nagima asked in their male form sitting on a soft chair. I sighed. "Come on, sit down and hear me out. Okay?" I patted an empty spot on my left since Harlow was on my right.

"Okay..?" Salma looked confused as she sat down next to me, but Hanemi looked even more giggly to be part of this. I saw the disappointment in her face when Salma sat next to me, but she didn't say anything. She just looked away for a moment and poured.

"So what's going on? Why did you call us all here?" Tenebris asked. "Is there something wrong?" Mango asked and gasped. "Is anybody hurt?!" Mango asked again. "No and no. Me and Majin gathered you here because... we found something today. Something crazy." I began.

Then me and Majin would take turns telling our side of the story, but I was the first one to go. I told them about me and Don's encounter with Death, and the odd last few words that were said to me about finding them and the strange time woman.

"What the f*ck...?" Tenebris said in disbelief. "Language.." Salma corrected, even in shock. "There's.. no way." Zaina said with an open mouth. "Impossible..." Athena was caught off guard by all of this.

"That was so scary..!" Mango said shakily. "And for Don to even be freaked out by facing Death? Evens that goes to show how worrying this is.." Nagima nibbled on their fingers. "There's no way this is real man. How do we know you're not yanking our chains?" Max asked.

"I don't see why Ajin would need to lie. If he's the same Ajin I know, he's anything but a liar." Lis reasoned. "That, and I think Majin's side of the story will make it all clear to us." Implying not even I heard his full side of the story just yet.

"Okay everyone, fast in your seatbelts because this gonna be insane." Majin said. Harlow held onto my shoulder, ready to listen. In fact, everybody was ready to listen. I mean, I saw Hanemi hold back a growl in my peripheral but I didn't care.

"So I was searching for the figure and a huge pile of sand came out of the ground all of a sudden. And it formed into a long black haired woman with a dark complexion that was holding an hourglass in her arms." Majin told.

"She told me that she was expecting me, and she called me by my name!" Majin said. I could tell that also had some of the others surprised too. "Oh and if that wasn't already freaky enough, she said that she was hoping to see Zaina too!! And somehow she also knew her name!" Majin uttered.

My eyes widened at this. The time keeper... she knew both of their names? And not just that; she wanted to meet the both of them too! It was... odd. Almost the same way Death was expecting to meet me and Don.

Zaina, I could tell was feeling uneasy about all of this, but she still strived through the rest of the story. "And so she went on saying something about how me and her are much more important than we know, and same for my friends, Don and Ajin." Majin looked at me for a quick second and went on.

"But she also said that one of them would have a tragic ending. Either they would save everyone... or they would kill everyone." Majin stated. That nearly made my heart stop. "What?! No way!" Max stopped leaning on the corner.

"B-but there's absolutely no way Ajin would do that!" Salma spoke. "Maybe not Ajin, but..." Lis slowly turned to me. "Oh... I think I know what you mean." Nagima looked at me as well. Sooner or later, everyone was looking at me.

"What??" I felt my heart beating faster and faster. "We know that you wouldn't start killing out of nowhere." Athena stated. "You're too sweet for that.." Salma added. "Mhm!" Harlow nodded vigorously. "But what about Don? How does he feel?" Hanemi asked the bigger question.

I looked up to Don who was sitting on the ceiling. "I feel no resentment towards any of you, so no I don't want to kill you all if that's what you're thinking. But I don't know. Maybe it's temporary." Don said nonchalantly and stood up, walking upside down on the ceiling.

"He said that he doesn't want to kill you guys, but he thinks it could be temporary." I relayed the message and scratched my head. "Oh boy.." Zaina said. "Oh we're screwed now." Nagima face palms.

"Now now, we should let Majin finish first. There could be a loophole to all of this... maybe. I hope." Salma said at the last moment. "Alright... thank you Salma." Majin bowed before continuing the story.

"So I asked her why and whatnot, and she mentioned how a war was coming, and that God demanded for her and Death to take action. And I was like 'why?' again. That's when she gave me these two pieces of paper and said; 'before a key falls, you lot will be ready.' And then she vanished over to Ajin Im guessing." Majin took out the two pieces of paper in his pockets, and placed them on the glass table in the middle.

"Read it and weep." Majin said. The group took a moment to look at the two pieces of paper and looked to have a looks of pure confusion or bewilderment. "So let me get this straight. Two divine-driven beings came to you two... and are telling us to find?" Tenebris guessed.

"Yes." Me and Majin said together. "I don't really buy it... but something is telling me we can't ignore it." Max said. "Oh you want proof? He Mango, can you make a small light with your sun fire?" Majin requested.

"Of course!" Mango obliged, and ignited the tip of his finger. Then loomed it over the blank piece of paper Majin laid out onto the glas table. And I'm just a few seconds, odd patterns and a landscape formed on the paper. "Woah..." I said in awe.

"It's a map." Majin told. "Not just any map either, it's a solar-powered map. Probably the first one in existence!" Mango exclaimed. "So... does anyone feel like these two are lying now?" Nagima asked. "No." Everyone shook their heads.

"Okay. So, what's the game plan fearless leader?" Nagima looked at me. "I think it's best we go and check this out... but I'm thinking about going when nobody notices." I suggested. "How about on Friday?" Max suggested.

"Why Friday?" Tenebris questioned. "I heard that's the same time those human b*tches are gonna be looking for the elemental stones or whatever. The adults will be too busy trying to hunt the stone before they do." Max described.

"Huh... that actually could work." I thought about it really quick. "Wait, so this is what we're doing? We're running away from camp??" Athena asked. "Yeah!! Let's go on an adventure!" Zaina cheered. "Wait!! What if one of you gets hurt, or even worse! I cannot condone this." Salma demanded.

"Then why don't you come with us?" Zaina asked. "Huh?!" Salma gasped. "Yeah, come with!" Harlow tempted. "You're going too?" I asked her. "Yes. I want to help." Harlow nodded confidently. "Then I'm going too I guess!" Hanemi giggled.

"Oh heck no. You're staying your smooth body butt here where it's safe and perfect for your habitual habits. Got that?" I said. "Well yeah, I do understand. But I could always snitch if you never took me sooo.." Hanemi threatened.

"You're forgetting that we can wipe your memory just as easy right?" Mine and Zaina's eyes glowed intimidatingly. "Fair point. But do you really wanna take the risk?" Hanemi gave me the cute face.

With a sarcastic look on my face, I nodded at Zaina, and she wiped her memory clean of what happened inside the house. This made Hanemi go unconscious and flop onto the arm of the couch. Mine and Zaina's eyes stopped glowing.

"Anyways, what do you say Salma?" I asked. Salma gave me a blank look of concern and another to Hanemi. "Do I even have a choice?" Salma questioned.

"Oh of course you do. Hanemi's just annoying." I said as Tenebris made her body float outside of the front door. Everyone continued to give Salma a pressuring look until she sighed. "Fine. I'll make sure you stay out of trouble.." Salma folded.

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