Chapter 28

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Ajin's POV:

We continued to bow before the bickering couple that stood before us. One looking oddly smart and blonde. And the other looking mischievous and red. The King and Queen of all dragons... just like Silver told me. They looked powerful.

However their attitudes... didn't really go for how I thought they would turn out. They seemed to have personal issues of their own. And on top of that, the queen of all dragons, Elvis Suri, is pregnant? While we're at war too?

To think that she was in the same predicament as Luni... it was almost hysterically funny, but a little scary to think about. What if the baby was to get attacked? What if evil sorcerers were to use that against her somehow? And Luni too!

I was almost sure that's what ran through Silver's mind after he heard that Queen Elvis was having a baby soon. And even then, he still held an awkward expression on his face as the two royals kept bickering amongst themselves.

"Now now, my apologies for interrupting your utmost powerful highnesses, but I really suggest that we should do something about the human prisoners we have detained." Wolfia spoke humbly as she pointed at the human's she left abound in terror.

"Ah yes. You're right. We should cut to the chase shall we?" King Hart cleared his throat. "Indubitably." Queen Hart did the same as she and King Hart both walked towards the shameless human sorcerers.

"The nerve that you have... to attack a queen's subjects." Queen Elvis showed an intimidating aura. "Honey, what should we do with them..?" Queen Elvis asked for her husband's point of view.

"I'm not sure Elvy. Maybe we should bide our time and tear them all apart piece by piece until they squabble... then, we have our fun." King Hart gave them a life-ending stare. The sorcerers were full of fear, not knowing what would await them.

"Looks like they're in for a beating." Mage said as he slowly stood back up. "Most definitely. If anything, we should send one of them back to relay message not to mess with us." Lucian flew over from the training grounds as we all stood up again.

"Lucian! Where were man?" Silver asked. I was thinking about helping, but then I realized that somebody had to lead the others to safety, and I have a pregnant wife. So I escorted everyone back home, and hid my wife inside your house." Lucian said casually.

"Wow.. I would normally slap the absolute f*ck outta you just for doing that, but I'll allow it since you're my nigga." Silver said an unfamiliar word. "Mr. Tenku! Where did you even learn that word?" Mr. Taburn exclaimed.

"I've always known about it, I've just never been compelled to say it. But I have a dark enough complexion so I should be safe regardless." Silver shrugged as Luni descended with a chuckle.

"I expect nothing less from a h-" "Don't you finish that sentence bro." Silver gave Lucian a deadly look. "Okay okay, chill bro damn." Lucian withdrew. I laughed at the small predicament I witnessed from my older brother and his friend.

Then... something caught my eye. Someone in a worn out black hood from afar was watching us from behind the trees. Once I caught sight of them, the hooded figure ran away in a hurry. "Hey I see someone!" Me and Majin said at the same time.

"Wait, you saw someone from the south too?!" I asked. "No I saw them towards the west!" Majin replied. "Go and catch them if you can you two. They might be spies!" Silver warned. "Yes sir." Majin said before we both ran off in a flash.

A trail of red electricity following me to the south of camp, and a trail of green electricity following Majin to the west side. He and I both got plenty faster that's for sure. But even with my boundless speed, the hooded person was nowhere to be seen.

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