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Next day.

Avneet was ready to go college but was afraid to go, she had been getting bullied from long time for no reason, and now her bullies got a solid reason to bully her, she looked herself in mirror of her room, she thought she was ugly, she insecure about her body, she wanted to be like others slim girl but she was bit chubby, she never knew how beautiful she was, from inside and even out.

she took deep breath and take her bagpack and walks out of her home, she decide to walk till college even thought college was munch far away from her apartment. But she wanted to loose weight. She was not weak she could do this, and she did after about an half an hour she reaches at college her chest was humping, she took out her water bottle and drink water.

She looked around and fliched as she saw whole students starring at as she was an new student. She had soical anxiety. She starts taking fast steps to reach to her class.
But a foot stomped her leg causing her fell down and badly hurting her ankle she hissed in pain. She looks up and found her four bullies. (Ashi, ritika, Roshni, sourbhi)

[ a/n : guys I don't Hate anyone of them, I love them as an artist so please respect them in real life and it's all just imagination so please don't be sensetive to it ]

Her eyes became teary again as she that time remembered how badly they burnt her skin with curler ( I suddenly remember the glory ) she was afraid and looked around and saw all the students laughing silently at her, ritika grab her hair and make her stand, avneet screamed in pain as her ankle was broken.

Ashi :- " awww poor baby is crying "

Ashi slammed avneet to the locker and grab her jaw harshly.

Ashi :- Who gave you permission to date him!!!

Ashi shouted on top of her lungs and slapped avneet causing her fall again, this time her mouth hit the floor, there was blood on her lips, now Roshni was about come closer when suddenly bell ringed all the students runs away, as they know the teacher will be crossing by the way.

Avneet try to stand while sniffling but she just sat there bringing her knees close to her chest and crying silently, she knew that no one would care, but soon she felt a strong arms around herselfe. She flich hard look at the direction at unbelievably she saw the siddharth nigam with his famous cold face. She was dumbfounded while siddharth picked her up in bridal style. She immediately wrapped her arms around his neck been scared to fall.

He don't even look at her and start walking toward medical room as he reached he don't even bother to knock and just go in while avneet slowly processed everything and was still sniffling, he puts her chair still not looking at her, he looked for medict but she was nowhere he sigh and take ointment and pain spray and sit on floor. Avneet don't bother to look up at him. Siddhart take her leg on his knee, avneet flinched

Avneet :- " w-why are you even doing this, wh-what's the need to care about someone like m-me "

Avneet said sobbing, it was something that aches Siddharth's heart he closed his eyes trying to controll his feelings and then rolled up her baggy jeans and saw her right ankle area is fully blue and pale, she was in so munch pain....


Ahh I tried to write a long chapter, but still can't cross 592 words. I'm sorry if disappointed you guys again,


Goals : 30+ votes. And 15+ comments.

|| now I will not update untill goals complete, I was disappointed during last chapter 🥺 ||

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