when i'm lonely i'll burn it

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A/N: hello hello !! these are all posted on ao3 under my user 'notphilup' if you want to read them there.

Tommy liked a lot of things.

He liked leaving footprints wherever he went,

"Wilbur!" The blonde exclaimed, "Look at the mud, it looks like the bottom of my shoe!" Wilbur smiled at Tommy, "Yeah, bud, that's called a footprint. They leave a trail of where you've been," Tommy looked up at him in awe.

Tommy stomped ahead of his brother, ensuring his feet left noticeable footprints behind. Wilbur laughed at this, jogging to catch up with the younger.

He liked the feeling of relief when he realized it was the weekend,

Tommy groggily woke up. He rubbed his eyes and looked over at his clock,

9:05 AM

The boy shot up, quickly tumbling out of bed. He pulled on a pair of jeans and a sweater, racing downstairs. His brothers looked at him, a funny look on both their faces, "Tommy what on Earth are you doing?" Wilbur said, brows furrowed. Tommy looked at him, "What do you mean? I'm late to school, man!"

The blonde quickly dismissed himself from the conversation and went to go look for his bag.

Techno got up from his chair, peeking around the corner of the hall, "Tom, it's a Saturday." He deadpanned. Tommy glanced at him and then sagged in relief, dropping his backpack, "Oh thank FUCK."

He liked watching all the animals roaming from his own backyard,

Tommy looked at the yard in awe. He had never seen a rabbit before, especially not this close! Phil smiled down at the boy, "You like the rabbit, mate?" The younger one nodded rapidly and quickly stopped when he saw the rabbit move. Phil chuckled quietly and turned back to tending to the garden.

Another animal had appeared in the Craft's yard, this time a deer. All three of the brothers were huddled up by the window, watching it silently. Techno was the first one to speak up, "Do you think it knows we're watching it?" His twin looked at him and rolled his eyes, "Well when you put it like that you make it sound creepy," The two paused for a moment, Wilbur eyed the youngest, "What do you think Toms?" The blonde didn't even look at them, too entranced by the feeble animal outside, "'s pretty.." The older two shared a look and smiled.

He liked when the high five hits just right,

Tommy sprinted through the hall, over to his two friends. He spread his arm out and looked at Tubbo, a grin spreading on his face. The other returned the energy, holding out his hand for the boy. Tommy slowed down and hit his hand, the perfect clapping noise echoing off it. The two turned to each other, a wide smile on both their faces. Tommy nodded his head, "YEAHH, that was a good one Big T!"

The older laughed, "Best one yet in my opinion, what'cha think Ranboo?" Tubbo turned his head to look up at the split haired boy who was writing in his notebook, "Seems like it is 'bo," Tommy cheered at that.

He liked when the moths would swarm his lanterns when they turned on at night,

Tommy yawned as he sat down in the cool grass, glancing at his snickering brother, "Oi ,you bitch! What are you laughing at?" He barked, tiredness still evident on his face. Wilbur laughed harder, "Getting tired there Toms?"  The blonde simply rolled his eyes, looking over to the house.

His eyes filled with stars when he saw all the moths on the house lanterns, "Wil, Wil look at the lanterns," Tommy said softly, eyes never leaving the moths. His brother looked over and smiled, "You like the moths, Tommy?" The younger just simply nodded, curling up as he watched the moths flutter between the two lanterns.

Yeah, so Tommy liked a lot of things. He liked footprints and relief of the weekend and animals and the high fives and moths. He liked all of those things.

Mostly though, Tommy loved his family. He loved the way Wilbur and Techno finished each others sentences like any stereotypical set of twins would. He loved how Phil called anyone and everyone 'mate'. He loved how Wilbur would sing him to sleep every night. He loved how Techno would read and reread the story of Theseus to him.

He loved them.

He loved them.

Tommy sat underneath the old old willow tree in their old old backyard, watching the animals and the moths. Looking at the footprints he made through the garden, hearing the slap of the high fives. He looked at the old old house, watched as no lights were on. As no noise drifted out. As no figures filtered through.

Tommy loves them.

He stood up, turning to look at the old old willow. Three rocks stood, line up next to each other.

Tommy missed them.

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