i'm living the dream! (... maybe)

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A/N: this is a 5 + 1 LMAO ... enjoy !!


Wilbur sighed dramatically, "Sally just won't admit she likes me! This is just such a tragedy, Toms, truly..." Tommy rolled his eyes, "Why don't you just ask her out if you're so insistent she likes you?" Wilbur gasped, god could this man not get any more dramatic?

"Tommy, Tommy, my dear little brother you just don't get it! I cannot just admit that I like her, that would be accepting defeat!" Tommy smirked, "Yeah, I don't get it! Because I'm aroac-" Wilbur cut him off, like he didn't even hear him, "Accepting defeat would make me look like a pussy, Tom. I cannot be looking like a pussy in this environment. It simply won't do!"

Tommy sputtered, did he just cut Tommy's coming out statement off? Tommy just looked at Wilbur with bug eyes and slowly got up, walking to his room in pure shock. Wilbur look at him and then at Techno, who sat on the couch, "Was it something I said?" Techno simply shrugged, not looking up from his book.


"Wait, so, you have a girlfriend now? Are you sure, dad? This wasn't some misunderstanding?" Tommy jokes, shaking his head dramatically. Phil let a cackle out, "Yes, mate, I'm sure it wasn't just a misunderstanding. In fact, Kristen and I have a date this Thursday!"

Wilbur smiled, "Good for, dad! Hopefully, we'll meet her soon," Techno nodded in agreement. The boy then turned to his younger brother, "How would you know about misunderstandings in relationships?" He raised his eyebrow, "You go somethin' to tell us too?"

Tommy looked at his brother in disgust, "I'll have you know I'm-" Wilbur cut him off (again...), "Yeah, Tommy! Got a girlfriend?" The brunette said, smirking. His expression changed and he mumbled, "Good luck to her..." Tommy squawked, "I'll have you know all of the girls want me! They fall at my feet just looking at me!"

"Sure Tommy," Techno drawled.

Phil just sighed fondly, shaking his head.


So maybe coming out verbally wasn't the right approach! That was okay with Tommy, he'd figure it out. Maybe he could just subtly hint at it!

"Guys, I have the perfect idea of how to come out to my family," Tommy nodded proudly. Tubbo looked at him with a questioning look, "The last time you said you have a 'perfect idea' you almost set Dream's car on fire," Tommy scowled, "That was one time Tubbo! But anyways, Ranboo I need to borrow Eret and her plane..."


Ranboo looked at Tommy and Tubbo, who were now painting a banner that advertised, "Tommyinnit's AroAce Suck It Losers." Ranboo sighed, exasperated, "Are you sure this is the best possible way to come out? I don't even know if Eret will say yes or not!" Tubbo squinted at the tall boy, "Of course, it is! Why not come out to the whole world while coming out to your family?" Tommy nodded solemnly.

The three looked up when they heard the front door open, "Guys? What're you doing?" Ranboo looked up in alarm as he saw his older sibling standing there. Tubbo just snickered and said, "We are making a banner to hang from your airplane so Tommy can come out to his family!" Eret raised an eyebrow, "From my plane?" Ranboo just sighed, "I was trying to convince them out of it so I didn't have to ask you. Clearly, it did not go well."

The oldest just snickered, "I mean I'll do it, I can't guarantee it'll work though," Tommy and Tubbo cheered while Ranboo just looked exasperated.


Tommy sat in his backyard, bouncing every few seconds, "You good over there?" Techno lifted his fencing mask to look at the blonde. Wilbur looked just about like he was going to pass out, "No, no Tommy don't listen to him keep doing it. You're distracting him from beating me!" The pink-haired boy scowled and kicked his twin in the shin.

Tommy jolted at the sound of a plane flying over them. Wilbur looked up, "What the fuck? What does that even say?" Tommy looked at the banner on the plane. He groaned when he saw it, 'sresoL tI kcuS ecAorA s'tinniyommT'.

"Oh for fuck's sake!"


They haven't caught on. Either they're oblivious or Tommy's an idiot.

(Please don't answer that, just for his ego's sake.)

This time, Tommy has decided, he'll leave little hints around the house. Putting little 'aroace' notes in Techno's books. Drawing the aroace flag in Wilbur's songbooks. Even putting the definition of aroace on his Dad's pillow!

So that's exactly what he did. While Techno was at fencing practice he would put the notes in his books. While Wilbur was at band practice he would draw the flag in his forgotten-at-home songbook. And while Phil was tending to the garden he put the definition on his pillows.

It had to work! Or at least give them a little clue. Surely his family wasn't that oblivious.


Tommy pressed his ear to the door as he heard his family talking.

"So, you guys have gotten these things too right? The little aroace paper notes?" The twins nodded, showing off their own version of it.

They turned their voices into a hushed whisper, too quiet for Tommy to hear. Tommy flapped his hands at his side, hoping this would get to result in him coming out.


Tommy was confused. It has been over a week since Tommy distributed the notes and his family hadn't said anything to him about it. Not even ask him if he was the one to put the notes there in the first place. Being Tommy, he did not just tell his family while they were all together, he texted Tubbo!

Big man: Tubbo ysu gotta hlep me

Big T: Wsg Tom?

Big Man: I need ansheter idea ot ocme ot to my family but idk how

Big T: Tommy ily (/p) and everyhting but you jsut gotta tell em

Big T: Bye!!!!! Gsood luck!!!!!!

Big man: BO TUVO PLS


Big man: PLS TUCBO



Tommy sighed and looked up from his phone, getting ready for the conversation he's about to have.


The blonde looked around at all of his family gather on the couch. Phil looked at him and said, "Is everything alright, Tommy? Why did you call us all here?" Tommy gave him a small, nervous smile, "Well, um, I wanted you guys all to know-," he paused, taking in a breath, "I'm Aromantic and Asexual, aroace."

Tommy winced at his shaky voice, looking at his family.

"Oh, Toms, is that what this has all been about? All the notes you've left around the house?" Tommy gave a small nod, fiddling with his hands. Phil gave him a soft look while standing up, "Oh mate, you know we'd never care about something like that," Tears spilled over Tommy's eyes as he collapsed into his father's embrace, "I've been trying to tell you, guys, for so long," he whispered.

Techno smiled at the younger, "We're proud of you, Theseus."

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