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Chapter 2

"Ha, you can't even teleport a book"

When everyone arrived it was, to say the least a very lively room, everyone was talking to eachother and having a good time overall. I was to be honest still kinda tired so I decided to just lay my head on the desk and relax, not actually sleep just relax.

I then heard Noodles say "she's coming back" which obviously means that Miss Granada is coming back. Though it doesn't make much sense, I mean everyone's here already, no one's left to arrive, so why would she be coming back.

Everyone went into their seats and pretended to do work. Miss Granada then walked in with a girl I had never seen before, I guess she was new. The girl had brown wavy hair with tanned skin and was wearing a black shirt with skulls on it and star leggings.

Miss Granada then starts to talk to everyone "Everyone, this is Missy. She will be joining you today" she then looked at Missy while saying "Missy, I'd appreciate it if you took a seat right there" she pointed to the seat next to Fast Forward, the girl who we just learned the name of, walked over to and sat on the seat. "And quietly continue your studies along with the other children" Miss Granada finished.

She looked back at all of us and continued talking. "Children... Thank you for respecting my rules, your parents will be very proud when I tell them, of your exceptional behaviour. Well done" after she was done talking she smiled at us then walked away, as a guard followed her and shut the door.

After a few seconds Noodles looked around and then stretched his neck to put his ear against the door. He then looked back at us and whisper yelled "she's gone!"

Everything then went to shit as people started throwing papers around and using their powers, which may I remind you is against the rules Miss Granada just told us we were following oh so well.

The new girl who's name is Missy seemed to be just looking around amazed, especially at the water airplane that Guppy made. That is until Wheels sped towards her, and when I say sped I mean he was moving fucking fast. Anyway he then started a conversation with Missy by, of course introducing himself.

"Hey, I'm Wheels. Yes, they call on account of the wheelchair. It's a little on the nose, but I think it's cool"

Missy then nodded and said "okay" while turning back to whatever she was doing before.

"You may think I'm in this wheelchair 'cause my legs are weak, but it's the opposite" he continued "my muscles are so strong my bones can't support them. But lucky for me my brain the same way, it's supercharged, so I'm good"

Noodles then stretched his neck so he could be apart of the conversation too "so, wheels who's your new friend?"

"Missy, this is Noodles" he introduced the two. "We call him that because, well..." Noodles then ran up to his head so he was no longer stretching.

"He stretches and twists around like a noodle" Missy finishes the sentence for him.

"Yeah, basically" Noodles replied.

"And that Ojo" Wheels said as he continued to introduce people. "Her power is that she's a genius drawer" that's not a power, that's just a skill, but whatever.

"Like Van Gogh mixed with Monet with just a sprinkle of Salvador Dali."

Missy then stands up next Ojo and asks "can I see that" Ojo then hands the iPad over to her and allows her to see the drawing on it. "A kid standing on top of floating chairs? An exploding exercise ball?" She asks as she flicks through the drawings.

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