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-Chapter 3-
"Kind of a stupid idea but it worked from what he was going with so, respect."

"You know this is an epic Heroic smackdown event when they've called in Sharkboy!" the news reporter on the tv said. In which everyone cheered, Guppy being the loudest.

A video of Sharkboy jumping off of a shark and landing on a platform, as the male presenter says "Earlier today, Sharkboy appeared from the ocean depths, landing on the beach of South Padre Island."

"And moments later, Lavagirl blasted from the inside of an active volcano." The female presenter continued on, as a video of Lavagirl doing exactly as she said played.

"Go Sharkboy and Lavagirl!" Guppy cheered on her parents.

"She's from the Earths core you know" The female presenter added, even though I'm pretty sure everyone knows that as it's always brought up whenever Lavagirl is put on the news, though I guess it is an interesting fact. "And here's Mayor Doolittle at today's ribbon cutting for his new city hall, rebuilt after the last time the Heroics went into action." she says will the screen shows Mayor Doolittle at the ribbon cutting event in front of the new city hall, but just before he cut the rope everyone suddenly looked up. Just then people are seen flying though the sky then a flash of something speeds past cutting the ribbon.

"Did you see that?" the female presenter asked "Of course you didn't. That means it's none other than Blinding Fast, the fastest Heroic on the planet." It then shows a slow motion of Blinding Fast cutting the ribbon by running through it.

"Go Dad!" Slow-Mo cheered on his dad, slowly like normal.

"And here comes Crushing Low!" She introduced cheerfully, as Crushing Low crashed into the new city hall destroying it completely.

"And there goes the mayors new building in record time." The male news presenter says, which of course makes everyone cheer.

"These battles are insanely expensive for taxpayers, but so entertaining." the female presenter continues excitedly.

"Pass the popcorn. This battles gonna be epic!" Wildcard says to Slow-Mo.

Slow-Mo then turns around to look at wildcard and start to hand the popcorn over to him, while the female presenter says "This is unprecedented. All of the Heroics have been called into action against the alien threat." Wildcard then checks his watch as Slow-Mo is taking a while to pass over the popcorn that he asked for. When Slow-Mo finally had it Infront of him, he grabbed it rather aggressively making some of the pop corn spill out. It honestly was just a waste of pop corn.

"We're getting some live footage now." The male presenter announced.

"And look how's back in action." The reporter said as she was standing Infront of said action. "It's Miracle Guy. You didn't expect his to actually lose, did you?"

The news then showed all of the Heroics flying towards the Alien threat. Then when Marcus Moreno showed up on screen the powerless new girl Missy said "He's not supposed to be there."

Then suddenly a bunch of smaller ships came out of the bigger ship. One then crashing into miracle guy making him crash into a crash into a building messing it up. Like seriously how is it possible to mess it up like that, he literally, moved the floors. He then crashed onto a roof in which the female presenter screamed "Oh my God!"

Noodles said "No way! No one's ever taken down Miracle Guy!"

"Evasive maneuvers!" Lavagirl shouted to all the heroics. Absolute chaos than happened with all the alien ships flying around. Until one of them takes out Sharkboy making him crash into a helicopter which then crashed onto a roof.

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