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Chapter 4
"As much as I hate to, I have to agree with her Wildcard"

The female presenter said "We're getting word that the president would like to address the nation." breaking the silence of everyone's shock from what just happened.

The news then cuts to the President as he says "People of America, as you have witnessed. The Heroics have been captured, military forces are stepping in, mobilising to bring our heros back. But while it looks very hopeless... its bad it- it's hopelessly bad."

Facemaker then speaks up "how did this guy get to be President? he can't even put two sentences together" I mean he's not wrong, he is a kind of a shitty President.

"we have just received a message" the President on the TV said "from the supreme commander of the aliens that has been decoded. It reads: 'we are from the planet Ogima. Unfortunately, we have no choice but to prepare you for... Takeover. Please comply, or Earth will be destroyed, you have three hours.' I'm afraid that was the interior message. There are no heros left, god save us all." As he was reading the message everyone of looking around worried. The news then stopped after that making the screen go black.

I just think there's a problem with what he said, I mean sure we can decode things quite easily, but that's an alien language which most likely no one has ever see before, and how the fuck did they do that so quickly. So either they did which is impressive, or they already knew the language somehow, which could only mean that their working with the aliens, they've met them before, or even maybe they are aliens themselves. Maybe, just maybe who knows, it's fine, no one needs to know my thoughts anyway.

Miss Granada then popped up on the screen making everyone jump as she said "Children, for your own safety, we are going into full lockdown. No one leave your seats. As long as you stay where you are, you are all safe" the TV then rises up, into the ceiling and out of our sights.

Noodles then says "Yeah, right. They can't protect us from that. We just saw it."

"You got a better idea?" Wild chips in.

"We should probably do what Miss Granada says." Guppy says.

"Uh, pardon me, but-" Missy tries to say before being interrupted.

"The last look on my Dad's face will haunt me forever" Facemaker says, interrupting Missy. As he makes the face that his dad just made before he was captured. I can't lie, it was kinda funny too.

"What do they want from us?" A Cappella asks.

"Do you think our parents are ok?" Rewind also asks, both those questions not getting answered by anyone.

"Uh, excuse me?" Missy tries to get everyone's attention again.

"what?" Wild says, obviously being annoyed. The only time I agree with Wild, god I hate thinking that, whatever.

"We have to leave this room now." Missy says while standing up, and I can't lie I also have to agree with her, which I also dont like thinking.

"why?" Guppy asks to Missy.

"Because the aliens know where we are, and they're coming for us next." Missy answers.

Wild scoffs just before he says "How could you possibly know that?"

Missy then walks over to Ojo, who drew a picture of Aliens breaking through the vent, which is the future. How do I know this you may ask, because I'm not stupid, I figured it out the first time I saw her drawings.

Anyways "can I borrow this a minute?" Missy asks Ojo, to which Ojo gave it to her and she walked into the middle of the front of the room and said "Ojo drew these" while facing the drawing to everyone so we could see them. "Facemaker standing on top of floating chairs, Noodles smashing the exercise ball..." she says showing everyone the drawings as she says them.

"She draws what she sees, big deal." Wild says, shrugging.

"She drew these things 5 minutes before they happened" Missy explained. She then swiped to a picture of her standing Infront of the classroom, which she was doing as she says "Ojos power isn't she can draw." It wasn't a power in the first place but whatever "She can draw the future."

"ok, cool. Good for Ojo. What's your point?" Wild asks.

"She also drew these Alien creatures breaking through this very room" Missy said, finally getting to the point. "there" she says pointing to the vent.

Wheels then rolls over to Missy and takes the iPad "Whoa" he says amazed by the whole idea.

"You're saying they'll all come through there?" Noodles says trying to conform what Missy just said.

"She's right. All these drawings suddenly make perfect sense" Wheels said still looking at the drawings. "Ojo can see the future"

"Let me get this straight." Wild says "Some new girl shows up with absolutely zero powers, and suddenly we're all going to do as she says?"

"As much as I hate to, I have to agree with her Wildcard" I pitched in, glancing at Wild from the side of my vision, in which Wild looked at me back, most likely trying to decide whether or not to trust me.

"A moment ago, you agreed we weren't save here" Missy says, to which I personally find a bit rude, because I had it under control and here she is trying to make more of a point then needed.

"We're safer in here than running around outside with you playing Captain" Wild says, using air quotes when sayubg 'captain'.

"I just want to get out of here" Missy says grabbing the iPad back from Wheels and giving it back to Ojo. "If anybody wants to join me, you're free to follow" she crosses her arms.

Wild sighs and says "fine. We're getting out of here, but only because I said so, you got that?"

"Whats the plan?" Wheels asks "Miss Granada said  that's this place is in lockdown. They'll be guards everywhere"

"Yeah Missy, what's the plan?" Wild says with his arms crossed, while stepping forward.

"Well... I figure this is kind of like making an omelet." She says walking towards the door/vault. "You always start by..."

Noodles then stretch his neck so his heads next to Missy looking at the door, and finishes her sentence. "Breaking some eggs"


Here you go guys, another chapter even if it is like 4 months later, who cares, happy new year.

Anyways, that's the chapter I know Phase isn't in it all that much but oh well. She'll be in it more later, plus it is kinda boring for me writing, having to change from Netflix to here so much, so then I get the lines right, but I'll just deal with it, cause it should hopefully get better later you know?

Anyways that's it

Live life

Be you


From a Random Person <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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