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You woke up the next morning in your favorite pair of pjs, and you felt really clean.

Did I really make it home last night? I can't remember.

After leaving your quiet, overgrown farm, You decided to meet up with your favorite blondie. Beautiful, blonde, blue eyed, Sam... After your childishly kicking rocks across the stone path while blushing like an idiot rampage came to an end, you stood in front the perfect blue house that matched his perfect blue eyes.

You shook the red blush off your face and opened the door. Upon entry, amazing music could be heard from Sam's room. You opened the door, and inside you found Sebastian playing the keyboard, and Sam playing a red guitar. 

"Oh, YN! Hey!"

He gave you a quick smile and waved you over.

"I'm trying to start a band, but I don't know what kind of music to make. What kind do you like?"

"Hm....I like... [Insert one of the four choices]"

•Cheerful Pop Music
•Experimental Noise Rock
•Hi-Energy Dance Music
•Honky-Tonky Country Music

"I was thinking about that choosing that one too! What about you Sebastian?"

Sebastian nodded and glanced at you, giving you a rare smile before continuing to practice. Sam turned to you, with his winning smile.

"Thanks YN!"

He places a hand on your shoulder, and resumed practice on his guitar. He attempts to shout at you over the loud music.


You have him and nod and plopped down, pulling out a daffodil from your bag and playing with the petals.

A couple of hours later, Sebastian and Sam finished their little jam session and you were barely awake. You felt the springs rise beneath you, and you turned to see Sam sitting down next to you covered in sweat.

"Hey YN. Wanna go to the Saloon and get food?"

You yawned with a nod.

"Yeah, but only for a little while, I should probably get to work."


He stood up, stretching his hand out for you.

"Let's try not to pass out in the middle of town tonight though, ok?"

Your face flushed into a light red, clearly embarrassed by your own failure to pay attention.

"Ah- Oh! W-Wait!? You brought me home last night!? You didn't change me did you!?"

You gently placed your hand onto his, quickly launching yourself up. He chuckled with a smile.

"A small thank you would have sufficed. No, I didn't change you. I carried you up to the bath house and washed you with your clothes on. I carried you to your house and asked my mom to change you."

You sighed of relief.

"Thank you Sam. I don't seem to be missing anything either. Normally, my pockets would have been ransacked or money would have been stolen."

He raised an eyebrow.

"So this has happened before?"

You nodded your head, avoiding eye contact.

"Fraid' so."

He frowned slightly, but quickly changed his mood. 

"Let's just be more careful next time!"

He smiled. His smile reminded you of a caring mother or father.  It sent warmth through your body, and made you question why you didn't want to stay with him all day. On your way to the Saloon, you passed by Haley and Alex. You waved at them. Alex waved back, but Haley just rolled her eyes. You gave a side smile and walked into the saloon. 

"Let me guess...pizza." 

He nodded at you with a laugh.

"And for you... a beer and spaghetti."

You chuckled, setting the menu down. 

"You'd be right!"

After eating a fulfilling lunch, the two of you left for the spa once again. You entered the girl's locker room. Your locker was distanced away from the other girls, and it made you kind of.... sad? You took a new red bathing suit from the locker. After changing, throwing your clothes in the locker and slamming it shut, you swiftly made your way into the spa. You attempted to beat Sam there, but he was already in the water. 

"So slow.... I almost fell asleep."

"Oh, hush up Sam!" 

You flicked him in the forehead with a giggle.  He placed a hand over the red print that lay there. You leaned against the pool wall next to him. 

"Is this like, the best place ever.... or the best place ever."

"Now you sound like Haley."

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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