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Meredith POV

Right after he said that I left to hang out with Addison and to catch her up. Addy comes over getting ready at my place. "So then he says some stupid crap like "Oh you can't be with me because I'm gross" I don't really care" I rant to her whilst applying my blush.

"Flirt with someone else" She recommends. "I most likely will" I tell her.  She looks absolutely stunning. "And plus I don't care I want Derek" I grumble like a little kid not getting a toy they want. "You seemed very attached" She says

"He's so fucking amazing and doesn't want me. Am I ugly or something so he used an excuse" I mutter "Well just go get a new guy" Addison says "It's not that easy Derek is one of a kind" I complain "I don't know what to say then" She tells me.  I fix up my hair combing it out.

"Want to take a picture before we go?" I ask She nods and we take a quick selfie and post it.I look at her dress.

I look at her dress

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Addison's Dress

Meredith's Dress

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Meredith's Dress

"You look hot" I tell her "No you are hotter" She laughs. The doorbell rings Mark is wearing a black t-shirt and jeans while Derek is wearing a black silky dress shirt. "Let's go" Mark says. We head to the club and there are a bunch of people dancing and drinking. My eyes immediately land on this really hot I guy.

I sway my hips walking towards him. "Hey" I smile He gives me a small smile and continues drinking. I recognise him somewhere. "Nick?" I say "Meredith?" He asks. "What are you doing here" I ask "Drinking" He says.

I look back at my friends and Addison is sitting in a booth with Mark on his lap. Mark is whispering things in her ear.  Derek is waiting for our shots to bring back to the table. Addison isn't even drunk she is completely sober since non of us bought drinks.

Derek notices Mark and Addison, bringing the shots to me and Nick. "Hey wanna take shots?" He asks. "Sure but I'm a lightweight" I smile taking my first shot of the night. A 10 shots later for everyone besides Addison and Mark because they needed to "use" the bathroom.

I feel Nick's hand on my back as I dance. "You look a bit lonely" He slurs. Derek is super drunk and is shooting daggers into Nick with his eyes. Derek joins the crowd casually pushing Nick to the side. I rub my ass into Derek as he holds my hips. "You are mine and stop flirting with that bastard." He whispers into my ear. "Derek you didn't want me" I roll my eyes.

"Because you deserve someone better than me but I want you so damn bad" He groans as he grinds his cock into my ass. "Derek" I moan as it is so quiet it gets lost in the music. "I want to fuck you so hard but I don't want to take advantage of you" He groans  "Use me for whatever" I seductively say. "I want you but can't take you" He groans

His bulge pressing into me even more as I wish clothes could disappear. I feel bold so I rub my ass onto his bulge harder. "Take me on a ride on that big dick of yours" I moan out. "Is that so?" He asks. "Let's get Addie and Mark cause we're leaving now.

Derek wth 😑 should've made your move last time smh bro.

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