The beginning: Hope and Jared

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"In the beginning, there was a demon prince named Jared, and an angel-demon hybrid named Hope. Jared is the son of Lucifer and is expected to rule hell when lucifer retires. Hope is being forced to marry a self-centered jerk. They both believe this world has no happy endings, but, chance will take its toll on this story of fantasy and fiction"

Chapter 1, part 1: chance

As Jared wakes up in his king-sized bed, he stares at the roof and sighs as he reminds himself that he's still in hell, still in the most disgusting place in all the realms. He picks his body up as he sits on his bed. A doll named Elly sits up next to him. "Why so blue Jared ?" her voice box would say in a worried tone. "I just hate it here Elly, this place is disgusting" he'd reply angrily. Elly would look up at Jared and go on to say "Maybe one day you'll get out of here and we'll get a chance into heaven". "We'll never get that chance" he'd say. "But why ?" she'd reply. "Because we were born demons, and no matter how much good we do, people will always assume the worst" he'd reply.

Meanwhile, on earth, Hope would arise from her bed and go outside to the swing her mom built her before she died. She would sit there and reminisce about all of the good times she and her mom had. Hope would cry happy tears but wipe them off to the sudden sound of her stepmom's footsteps. Her stepmom is a tall pretty lady with a heart that only cares to benefit herself. "Ready to get married ?" the stepmom would ask. "As if I would get married to that self-centered jerk" Hope would reply angrily. "You ungrateful child, I'm offering you a fine man!" she'd yell angrily. "No, all you're doing is forcing me to marry a douche bag" hope would reply resisting the urge to kick her in the face. The stepmom would get angry at hope and slap her so hard that she goes flying into a tree fracturing a rib. Hope would whimper as the stepmom walks away.

Back in hell, Jared would be in the living room sitting with his dad Lucifer and his mom Lilith. Lilith is a short succubus that has a kind but fragile heart. Lucifer is a tall man with devil-like features with a cold heart. "Excited to rule son ?" Lucifer would say in a deep but raspy voice. "No, I hate this place" Jared would reply desperately trying to mumble. "What was that boy ?" Lucifer would reply angrily. "I said I hate this place! And I hate you!" Jared would yell at Lucifer. Lucifer would get up in anger and without hesitation would slam Jared to the ground by his neck. Jared would counter by kicking Lucifer in the crotch and grabbing his staff. Jared would then proceed to impale Lucifer through the chest with the staff. Blood would splatter everywhere. "I'm out of here" Jared would say in a voice of pure victory and pride as he'd use the staff to open a portal to a forest on earth. "Son wait!" Lilith would say impatiently. "Hmm?" Jared would reply. In what seemed like super speed, Lilith would run and hug Jared as tears fall from her eyes. "I'm gonna miss you, son, now go be happy" she'd say in a happy voice. "Bye, mom" Jared would reply as he looks back and smiles as he walks through the portal closing it behind him.

Meanwhile, on earth, hope would be in her room crying in a wedding dress. Hope's dad would knock on the door hearing her cries. Her dad is a tall demon with a kind heart. "C- come in" hope would say in a voice of defeat. As her dad walked in, hope would get up from her bed and hug him. "Why do I have to marry him dad ?" hope would ask. "It was because of a peace offering, but you don't have to, and it doesn't matter what your stepmom has to say about it" he'd reply. Hope would hug him tighter as I spear stabs through his spine and his heart grazing hope's cheek and splattering blood and intestines on her face. Hope would try to scream but the stepmom would cover her mouth from behind. Hope would elbow the stepmom's ribs shattering five of them and causing the stepmom to fly through the air breaking the wall behind her. Hope would run off into the forest before the stepmom could wake up. Hope would rip the wedding dress as she runs and lets out a yell of happiness.

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