Chapter 4: war across the division.

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Chapter 4 Part 1: The curse begins

The void, a desolate place with nothing but a red looking sky and darkness, with floating islands and debris making it up, truly the most disgusting place in all the realms. As a portal forms hope comes falling out and lands on a floating island. The island is peaceful with grass and trees and a small cottage above the island on its own mini island. "Why.. why me?.." she'd ask herself. Suddenly, a distant voice could be heard. "Hope, Alinity isn't who you think she is" the voice would say. Hope would turn to the voice seeing a tall and slender man. Wearing a dark trench coat and with long white hair. His eyes are shut and his mouth moving as he speaks again. "She will kill you, she brought the curse back. The only way to win is to let go." He'd say. "But how.. how do I let go?" She'd ask hopelessly. "Dig deep" he'd say before vanishing.

As hope ventures the void going from island to island she'd find no signs of life. Not even any void creatures. Hope would lose faith. But just as she did, A mimic; a dark creature with glowing eyes and a glowing core, able to morph into the person's greatest desire.

 As the mimic morphed into Jared and used his voice it would call out "Come home, we miss you"

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As the mimic morphed into Jared and used his voice it would call out "Come home, we miss you". "NO- Y- YOU'RE NOT REAL!!" She'd scream at the being while crying. As the being would morph back and roar, it would charge at her ready to attack. Hope would be ready to kill it. As it gets close to her ready to go for the neck, hope would choke slam the beast. As she stabs it with her holy dagger. Hope would then see 20 more mimics. She would prepare herself to fight all of them. As Elly falls from a portal with a mysterious man with red knight armor holding her to cushion the fall for her. He'd land on his feet with elly in one hand and a blade in the other. The blade being holy, with a dark handle. The man would let the mimics charge him. And with amazing agility would kill them all with one hand. Hope would stare in awe. The man would take off his mask revealing medium length messy black hair, and a handsome clean shaved face. "Wander?" Hope would ask. "Hey Hope" he'd reply. "How are you? Why are you? Where were you?-" Hope would utter. "It's a long story" Wander would reply. "Mom locked me away for years. Never letting me see you. Now that the curse is back, I realized it was her that brought it back. She would always use dad's energy to create an aura. When he died, he left behind his soul, the final piece of her equation." He'd add. "How do we get out of here?" Hope would ask. "We have to fight the core-dweller" he replied. Suddenly the core dweller could be seen miles and miles away. "Getting there is gonna take us.." Hope would say before Wander interrupted saying "5 void months, five earth years".

Meanwhile on earth..
Jared would wake up, seeing Hope's statue and being sad to himself. Jace would walk in his room with Chloe. "Where's mom?" Jace would ask. "She's.. not gonna come back for a while." He'd reply. "Oh.." Chloe would say. Suddenly Alinity would knock on the door.

Chapter 4 part 2: War across the division

Jared would open the door. "H- Hope sh- she's gone" She'd say with tears coming from her eyes. "I- I know... I'm sorry" Jared would reply in an apologetic voice. "I- Why are you sorry?" She'd ask. "I- Failed her.. I knew something was gonna take her. I could have stopped it. But I'm just a useless demon." He'd reply. She'd hug him tightly. "It's ok my boy" Alinity would say while comforting him. He'd silently cry in her arms while hugging her back. Jace and Chloe watching them. "Someone brought back the blood void curse.. and it consumed her and her brother" she'd tell him. "What is the blood void curse?" Jared would ask. "Well every year my husband would turn to stone and come back years later, until one day, he took too long to come back. The core dweller lives in the void, and consumes demons who don't follow their nature. It didn't touch you because well.. Lucifer made it." She'd reply. "Of course he did." Jared would reply out of anger. Suddenly Alinity's eyes would glow purple as she charges at Jared trying to slice him in half with her holy scythe. Jared would dodge and weave. "Balance" He'd say to himself mentally as he swiftly limbos under the swinging scythe and one inch killer punches her though the house wall breaking it. "Jace! Chloe! Quick fighting lesson. Don't hold back no matter how scared you are. Go in for the kill and fight for who you love." He'd say to them quickly as Alinity flies back in. In what felt like slow motion, Jared would pivot holding his arm out causing Aliniy's ribs to impact his arm shattering them. As she flies back out of the house due to the momentum. The kids would run into their rooms. Jared would stand as Alinity stands in the distance. She'd return to heaven as Jared and the kids relocate to the forest that he and hope met at. He'd hide the kids in the cave and manifest a door on the entrance and lock it. "We'll have to hide here for now" Jared would say to them. "Daddy.. I'm scared.." Chloe would say as Jace hugs her. "I know you are honey, everything will be ok. Just... be ready for anything. And go in for the kill." Jared would say.

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