Chapter 3: war is over the horizon

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"Hope has finally unlocked her newfound, yet destined abilities. Hope Finds out who she really is. Hope is the goddess of light and dark, The perfect balance. Jared tapped into the power he was destined to Have from his dad's blood. And instead of using it for killing, He fights for what's right and makes Lilith proud, and keeps Elly safe."

"Jared" Hope would whisper at the wedding right after they kissed. "Yes?" He'd whisper back. "I'm pregnant" She'd whisper back. Jared's eyes would widen as the priest says "may you two live happily ever after".

Nine months later...

"Baby" Hope says laying in bed holding her stomach. "What is it, my love?" Jared would reply from downstairs. "Can you get me some unicorn breast and peanut butter?" She'd ask. "Sure thing" He'd reply. Jared would tenderize and season some unicorn breasts. He'd toss the unicorn breast onto the stove and turn it to medium heat. He'd start to throw some onions and garlic in for extra flavor. He'd start preparing some alfredo noodles to go with the breast. Time would pass by as Jared finishes cooking a plate for Hope and for him. He'd prepare an ice cream sundae with peanut-butter flavored ice cream. He'd walk upstairs to Hope and set her plates on her lap. "I call that, the pregnant Hope supreme" He'd say jokingly. She'd laugh as she starts to eat and immediately falling in love with it. She'd start eating it fast. "Slow down, you don't want Jace hearing your gas all night" He'd say to her. "How rude, I'll have you know that if I'm carrying him, he'll have to deal with it" She'd reply sarcastically as they both laughed. "And what about Chloe?" Jared would say. "She can deal with it too" Hope would reply before laughing. She'd suddenly feel something wet below her. "And there goes my water" She'd say. Jared would pick her up and form a portal to the heaven infirmary. "Uhh doctor, we got twins that need to be delivered". The doctor would quickly guide Jared to a bed and he'd lay hope down as she starts to scream in pain. "It's ok, I'm here" He'd say to her in a comforting voice. "I'm gonna need you to breathe for me Hope" The doctor would say. Hope would start to control her breathing, still letting out grunts of pain. "Push Hope" the doctor would say. She'd start to push Jace out. He'd be fully pushed out as the doctor grabs him and cuts the umbilical cord. Jace would look a lot like his dad, but instead have black hair and curving goat-like horns on the sides of his head. Hope would push Chloe out. Chloe would have brown skin, elf ears, and similar features to her mom, but would have white hair and bunny ears. Hope and Jared would look at their children and cry tears of joy as the babies laugh.

Chapter 3 part 1: With new light, come new shadows

10 years later...

"Jace, you're gonna pay for this!" Chloe would scream as she runs down the hallway after Jace. "If you can catch me!" he'd say back as he turns a corner and Chloe trips and falls off of the stair railing. Jace would jump after her and catch her holding her tight in his arms and breaking her fall. "Owww" Jace would say as Chloe begins to cry due to the intensity of the situation. "Hey hey it's ok, you're gonna be ok. Look, no scratches, you're fine" He'd say trying to calm her down. "Here's your toy back, sorry for taking it" He'd say as he hands her a toy train made of wood and painted red. "It's ok, you can have it. I was gonna give it as a gift before you snatched it" She'd reply. "Aww, I'm so sorry" He'd say. "It's ok" She'd reply smiling. They'd hug tightly as Hope says "Dinner is ready!". Jace and Chloe would run to the table. Suddenly Chloe would feel sick as if she ate something bad. She'd ignore it and pick up her silver fork to grab a piece of the siren tentacle. As she'd take the first bite, she'd vomit black and gooey liquid making Hope jump. Jared would touch her forehead to check her temperature. "She's burning up" He'd say. "Jace, finish your food" Jared would say as he quickly grabs Chloe and takes her to her room. Jace would sit at the table, worried. I can't blame him. A 10-year-old boy whose twin sister just vomited is being rushed to her room. Jace would throw his food away, not being able to finish it because of how worried he is. As he'd throw his food away he'd hear a whisper behind him. "Jace" the voice would say. Jace would suddenly jump back in fear, jolting his head to look behind him to see that nobody is there. He'd hear another voice. "Run" the voice would say as Lucifer appears in front of him. His body was similar to before, with spiked bones sticking out of his arms. Jace would freeze in fear, looking at the rows of sharp teeth Lucifer has. Meanwhile... Chloe would lie in her bed with Hope and Jared watching her. Chloe would suddenly levitate out of her bed as her eyes glow dark purple. Something would be possessing her and making her chant an ancient, demonic spell.

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