Chapter - 2

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10 years later.

It's been 2 days since Naira and her family returned to udaipur.

Naira lost her touch with kartik but she still has kept all his gift with her.

Akshara: Naira beta please come here.

Naira: jee mumma, what happened why you called.

Akshara: beta did you talk to kartik after coming here.

Naira: no mumma actually i don't talk to him now.

Akshara: why beta, what happened between you two?

Naira: woh mumma......


Naira was trying to call kartik but he was not picking up.
After calling him for 50 times she gave up and went down.
After an hour he called back and she picked it up

Naira: hello Kartik, how many times i tried calling you why didn't you pick up my call.

Kartik: I am sorry Naira. I was busy with a project.

Naira: ohh. It's ok Kartik no problem.

Suddenly naira heard a voice from Kartik's phone and got jealous in jealousy she fought with him

Naira: kartik who is there with you?

Kartik: naira she is my friend actually my classmate.

Naira: ohh kartik please stop lying ok I don't care whoever she is to you i understand you don't care about me anymore.

Saying this naira hung up the call

Here kartik was thinking what happened to her. He tried calling her after this many times but she never answered so he also stopped trying.

Flashback end.

Akshara: ohh but naira you should have talked to him nahh.

Naira: i know mumma but i regret it if i see him again nah then i will go and hug him tightly and say i love you.....

Akshara(shocked): naira you love kartik?

Naira: yes mumma but don't tell anyone ok

Akshara: ok beta i wont tell.

Naira: mumma i want to ask you one more thing, can i go to rishikesh for one week with pungi?

Akshara: ok beta i will talk to your dad but no mischief there ok.

Naira: ok mumma thank you.....

Goenka villa.

Kartik came home from office and was going when his parents called him

Manish: kartik beta.

Kartik: jee papa.

Swarna: Beta you are old enough now and your business is also going well so why don't you marry now.

Kartik: maa how can you even think this. You know nah i love naira a lot please don't force me i will not marry anyone except naira.

Swarna: but beta we don't know where is she, how is she, and she is angry with you also.

Kartik: maa she is angry, she does not hate me so when she comes to mee i will make her mine for sure.

Swarna: ok beta your wish but be sure that you don't hurt yourself in process of making her yours.

Kartik: ok maa don't worry.

At night.

Singhania sadan.

Naira pov

Where are you kartik i got jealous thinking you are with some girl and got angry with you but please forgive me nah come back kartik i will not be able to live without you.

Goenka villa.

Kartik pov

Where are you naira that girl was no one to me she used to cling to me and because of that you got jealous and angry please come back Nairu. I love youuhh....

 I love youuhh

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Only this much for today guyss

Precap: Rishikesh

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