Chunin Exams Arc

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Team 7 did about 30 D rank missions while the Chunin exams were fast approaching. Kakashi got his team together and showed up on time for once probably to avoid pissing off Sakura. They were standing on a small bridge.

'Guys I'm really proud of all of you.' Said Kakashi eye smiling as he appeared on the rail of the bridge.

'You have all come a long way so I have recommended all of you for the Chunin exams. If you want to participate go tomorrow to room three hundred and one in the academy and submit these applications.' Said Kakashi throwing one to all three of them. 'Bye.' Said Kakashi before disappearing with Body Flicker.

Sasuke walked off and Sakura followed trying to get a date as she obviously didn't get the hint that Sasuke wasn't interested. Naruto decided to go home. As Naruto was walking he heard Konohamaru yelling 'Let me go!'

Naruto went to where he heard the commotion and saw a Temari and Kankuro. Kankuro was squeezing Konohamaru painfully by his scarf.

'Kankuro put him down you're going to get us in trouble.' Said Temari

'Relax Temari, we've got a bit of time until he gets here we might as well have some fun.' Replied Kankuro

'I suggest you listen to your beautiful sister as it is clear that she has a brain while you do not.' Naruto smiles at Temari

Temari was surprised that this kid had just insulted her brother and blushed at the compliment of a handsome Naruto while Kankuro snarled at being called brainless.

"You know what kid, you've offended me so I'm going to teach this boy, your lesson, respect your betters.' Said Kankuro who pulled back a fist and was about to slug Konohamaru in the face. Naruto appeared behind Kankuro in an instant with a kunai pressed against his neck.

'Like I said I suggest you listen and you are not my better.' Said Naruto

Kankuro let Konohamaru down and let him move away and leave the area while Naruto backed off, he then pulled off what looked to be a mummy of his back.

'What are you doing Kankuro? Are you going to use the Crow for this?' Asked Temari slightly worried.

'Kankuro you are an embarrassment to our village.' Said a voice from nowhere which sounded bored. The owner of the voice appeared in a swirl of sand in front of his comrades.

'Oh hey Gaara.' Said Kankuro scared.

He turned and faced Naruto.
'Shukaku's vessel.' Said Kyuubi.

'I apologise for my brother.' Said Gaara bowing deeply.

"You don't have to apologize. Just keep him in check. His stupidity is going to be the death of him" Naruto smiles

"What is your name." Gaara

"My former name was Zeref Dragneel.My name is Naruto Uzumaki now." Naruto

"Naruto Uzumaki do you plan to take part in the chunin exams." Gaara

"I am considering it."Naruto

"If you do then I look forward to killing you." Gaara said as he released killing intent

"Then I look forward to you killing me" Naruto

"Is this kid crazy." Kankuro thought

"This guy is crazy but handsome.It is pity he will die by Gaara's hand.

"See you at the chunin exams." Naruto said  before disappearing

The Next Day

Naruto met up with Sasuke and Sakura along his walk to the academy so they all went together. When they arrived on the second floor they saw Rock Lee being beaten up by two guards. Naruto.

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