Descent of the Ōtsutsuki

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Location: Ōtsutsuki Dimension

Momoshiki Ōtsutsuki and Kinshiki Ōtsutsuki stood amidst the ethereal glow of their home dimension, preparing for their journey to Earth. Their thoughts were filled with the mysterious fates of Kaguya and Isshiki, who had both been sent to Earth but never returned.

Momoshiki, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion, looked at Kinshiki. "Kaguya and Isshiki were both sent to Earth together. It's been centuries, and neither of them has returned. What do you make of this, Kinshiki?"

Kinshiki, ever the dutiful subordinate, pondered for a moment. "Isshiki was one of our most powerful members, Kaguya although weak should be able to combat those on earth. For both of them to vanish without a trace is indeed strange.It's possible they encountered unforeseen challenges. The inhabitants of Earth might have grown stronger, perhaps even strong enough to pose a threat to us."

Momoshiki frowned "Humans defeating two Ōtsutsuki? It seems unlikely, but not impossible. They might have allied with powerful entities or discovered hidden strengths."

Kinshiki's expression turned thoughtful. "Or perhaps Kaguya and Isshiki's own ambitions led to their downfall. Their disappearance could be the result of internal conflict."

Momoshiki nodded slowly. "Whatever the reason, we need to find out. If they betrayed our mission, we must reclaim control and ensure the harvest proceeds as planned."

Momoshiki smirked, a hint of arrogance in his eyes. We will investigate and take what is rightfully ours."

With that, the two Ōtsutsuki prepared to open the portal to Earth. The air around them shimmered with energy as they activated their space-time ninjutsu, a swirling vortex forming in the fabric of reality.

On earth

Naruto and the others were summoned to Tsunade's office.

Tsunade told them that Sasuke left the village.

Naruto asked what their mission was: kill Sasuke or bring him back. His eyes were devoid emotion when he said this.

This shocked the rest and Sakura who was outside the door.

Kiba grabbed Naruto by the collar." How could talk about killing Sasuke like its nothing. Isn't he your teammate"

"I care neither for him or Sakura. They mean nothing to me" Naruto

Sakura, still standing outside the door, felt her heart ache at Naruto's words. She had always known him to be kind, despite the hardships he faced. Hearing him say he cared nothing for her or Sasuke was like a dagger to her heart.

"How did it come to this?" she thought, tears welling up in her eyes.

Kiba was furious. He was about to punch Naruto. Until Tsunade yelled.

That's enough Kiba. Stand down." Tsunade

Kiba reluctantly let Naruto go.

"Kiba it's not like Naruto doesn't want to care about others. It's that he can't." Tsunade

"What do you mean he can't" Neji

"It probably has something to do with his immortality" Shikamaru guessed

"His immortality" Shino

"That's right. Naruto was cursed by the God Ankhseram. The curse is called the curse of contradiction. The curse gives Naruto immortality and takes the lives of others if he values their lives." Tsunade

The room fell silent, the weight of Tsunade's revelation sinking in. Naruto stood there, his face expressionless, a stark contrast to the turmoil around him.

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