Chapter 4

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How did I...oh, I must be astral projecting again.

This time I find myself walking in the woods along a hiking trail. I'm not sure why, but this dream feels different than the other ones. Maybe, it was because Loki wasn't around. At least, not yet.

I take in the familiar sight before me and recognize it almost immediately. This, was the trail that my Mom and I use to take when we hiked outside of the city. 

I continue down the trail and come to an abrupt stop when, I see a woman standing in the clearing. She's of average height, with long, wavy, platinum blond hair that goes down past her waist and wearing a long flowing white gown. A small, silver crown sits on her head.

 A small, silver crown sits on her head

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"Um, hi." I nervously say to get her attention. The woman slowly turns around and flashes a warm smile at me.


"Hello, my dear." She opens her arms and I don't hesitate to run into her warm embrace.

"Mom!" Tears start flowing down my face as I tightly hug her back.

"Shhh." She says as she lightly strokes my hair "Its going to be alright."

"Wait!" I pull away from her embrace. "I didn't go through you. Does that mean I'm not astral projecting again?"

She chuckles. "No, my sweet. You're having a vision."

"A vision?" I pause to think about everything that's been happening to me over the past few days. "Mom, what's happening to me?"

She walks over to a a tree that's fallen over and gestures for me to sit next to her. "Come, we have much to talk about and very little time."

I hesitantly sit next to her.

"I've...kept things from you."

"Tell me about it." I say as I think back to when I found out about Tony. Now that I'm closer to her, I notice that her ears were long and pointy. "Mom..."

She lets out a deep sigh. "I was not born here on Midgard, or Earth, as you know it. I was born a few thousand years a realm known as Alfheim."

My jaw drops and I stare at her confused with wide eyes.

"Alfheim, is the realm of the Lights Elves. I was their Queen. My real name, is Aelsa Featherwine of the Fay."

I must've hit my head really hard or something. There's no way this is real. It can't be.

After a little moment of silence, I finally snap.

"I'm sorry...what!? You're an elf!? And no, not just a regular elf...a Queen!? So does that makes me some kind of princess!? No! Absolutely not! There's no way!" I get up and start pacing. "How did you even meet Dad? Did he ever know who you really are? Or did you lie to him too? And what about my glowing hands!? Loki said I have magic? Where the fuck did that even come from? And-"

Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now