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Some years later...

Rhi wanders the gardens at Asgard until she stumbles upon an area with a concentrated amount of magic that was blocked off.

Feeling that it was Loki's magic, she uses hers to pass through the barrier, to discover a small garden of various flowers including purple sparkling ones.

She picks one and inhales its beautiful aroma as she feels Loki's arms wrap around her from behind.

"I see you found my surprise." He whispers in her ear before placing a soft kiss on her neck.

"They're beautiful." She smiles as she twirls the flower between her fingers. "Thank you."

"Now the real question is, how did you get past my barrier?" Loki says before placing another soft kiss on along her neck. Rhi shivers as she feels his lust flow into her.

"Well..." Rhi turns around to face him and wraps her arms around his neck. "When your husband is the God of Mischief, you tend to pick up a few tricks of your own."

"Any other tricks I should know about?" He inquires with a raised brow.

"What fun would that be, if I told you all of my tricks?" She says as she places a soft kiss on his lips. When Rhi pulls away and looks up at him mischievously. "Although there is one trick I've been practicing that I can finally show you."


She nods. "Can anyone see or hear us while we're here?"

"No...why?" He asks suspiciously. Rhi smirks as she takes a step back. "Darling what are you..." Loki cuts himself off as he watches Rhi's skin slowly turn blue and form jotun markings along her skin.

"What do you think?" Rhi asks nervously as Loki stares at her with wide eyes. "Loki?" He still doesn't say anything and stands there in shock. "I'm sorry I thought-"

Rhi cuts off as she feels herself gets tackled to the ground and looks up to see Loki, now in his jotun form, pinning her to the ground, looking down at her with a dark look in his eye.

"I'm guessing this means you like it then?" Rhi chuckles.

"Like it?" Loki rips off her dress. Rhi gasps at her sudden nakedness as Loki rakes his eyes up and down her body. "I love it!" He growls before slamming his lips against hers.

Rhi instantly wraps her legs around Loki's waist and pulls him closer to her. The material of his clothing rubbing against her naked sex was already driving her mad causing her to grind her hips against him.

"Oh my sweet." Loki whispers darkly as he starts kissing along her neck. "The way you roll your hips so wantonly...you no longer want me inside you. No...you need it. Don't you?"

"Yes." Rhi moans breathlessly. "Please my King, I need you..."

"What so do you need?"

Rhi rips off his clothes and grabs at him. "I need you inside me." She growls

"As you wish, my Queen." Loki purrs as he coats himself in her slick before slowly thrusting into her.

"Oh fuck..." Rhi moans as the girth of his jotun cock stretches her walls. Loki starts a slow but hard pace to keep from hurting her. However, Rhi could feel him trebling from holding himself back. "Harder...please." She pleads

"As you wish." He says before pulling out and flipping her over to her hands and knees before thrusting back inside at a brutal pace.

Rhi screams in absolutely pleasure as Loki's hips pound against hers.

Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now