The Evolution of Shelby Bradford

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So, I just wanted to take a minute to show ya'll what Shelby, or as she used to be called, Blizzard, used to look like.

Before TMNT 2012 existed, I had a character named Blizzard who had her own story that I actually planned on writing, like, trying to get it published. That's the Blizzard you see in picture 1 (top left). She had four forms, and had a pack just like her, and this whole background that I'm not going to get into.

Then, TMNT 2012 came on, and I immediately yanked Blizzard from her story and put her in TMNT. She was a mutant who was captured by the Kraang and experimented on, and was nicknamed Blizzard by Michelangelo. You can see this version on the top right.

As the show went on, and I formed her more and more as a TMNT fanfiction character, I decided I wanted to make her as similar to me as utterly possible. I dropped the name Blizzard (though Mikey does call her that once in the first book), and made her fur pure white, and dropped the wings, making her have a phobia of heights like me. The final product are the bottom too pictures (which you've seen before).

Okay, hoped you liked the little origin story of Shelby. Have a nice day:)

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