Chapter 11: My Idol " Ruby "

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Ruby's POV

" I'm getting nervous " I expressed.

" There's no need to be " loli-senpai assured, but my nervousness wasn't going anywhere, anytime soon.

I looked back, behind me. To check my two brothers, and they were not even trying to look nervous at all.

They look the same as usual, ame onii-chan being listless, and aqua onii-chan being grumpy as always.

Both of their attitude, base on my observation. Are way different from mother, but when in terms of talents. They are both powerhouses of their own.

I would say that they are both hard workers, especially ame onii-chan, he always does the household chores, and also works at  strawberry productions office each day, after school.

After a long walk, we finally arrived. The performing acts program room.

I opened the door, and on the other side is full of famous, hot, and cute students.

' I don't have to worry... I have mama's genes after all ' I thought, and when it comes to being a hot guy, they don't even stand a chance against ame onii-chan.

" Now that I think about it... Where is he? " I searched for him, and there I see him eating a onigiri. Cutely I would say.

 Cutely I would say

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He keeps looking at me with that I won't share looks. I swear, if only he can fix that attitude of his, he could have already gotten himself a girlfriend.

But... Do I want ame onii-chan to have a girlfriend?

" *Ahem* let's get back on topic, as I was saying. I have the genes of my mama, so I shouldn't be jealous. " I proudly sat far from my brother's seat.

I scanned over the whole classroom, and there I saw some huge mountains.

" Damn..... " I stared, at those mountains. Yes, I have mama's genes but I'm jealous of that.

And I didn't notice that the girl in question, was staring at me also.

" Uhm... Ya staring a bit too much? " She remarked, and I immediately looked away.

" Ahahahaha~ I'm sorry for staring! " I apologized, to the girl in question.

" By the way, you're cute! " I complimented her, and she seems to like it.

" Ya pretty cute yourself too! " She complimented back, on which I giggled.

" You're fun to talk to how about we became friends? My name is Ruby hoshino~ " I introduced myself.

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