Chapter 5

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Rhi slowly starts to opens her eyes. As she sits up, she notices a group of people across the room huddled together.

"If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now." She hears Loki says as he surrenders to the group of people.

"I'll take one too, while you're at it." She says as she starts rubbing her temples. At the sound of her voice, Tony turns around and runs over to where she is on the couch.

"Hey kid." Tony says as he embraces her in a hug. "Welcome back."

Rhi pulls away from the hug and looks over to the group of people staring at them and spots someone that's looks familiar.

That's...that's the man I saw at the research facility, that got mind controlled by Loki.

She looks back to Tony "Are you going to introduce me to your friends?"

Tony helps Rhi stand up and they walk over to the group. "Meet the Avengers!" He says as he points to everyone and names them off.

She learns that the agent who she saw in her dream was Clint Barton, also know as Hawkeye. The big green guy known as the Hulk, was actually Dr. Bruce Banner. The woman with short red hair, who was now holding Loki's scepter, was Natasha Romanoff, or Black Widow, and the man next to her was Steve Rogers, or Captain America. Lastly, she gets introduced to Thor, God of Thunder and Prince of Asgard.

After placing some restraints on Loki, Thor walks up to Rhi and places a hand on her shoulder. "I apologize, my lady, for my brothers actions. I'll be taking him back to Asgard to face punishment."

"Um, thanks I guess." She quickly glances between him and Loki. "You know, for brothers, you two look nothing alike."

Thor lightly chuckles and says, "He's adopted."

Clint and Natasha head over to the bar for a drink while a team of people, from an organization known as S.T.R.I.K.E., walk in and to take the scepter away in a huge case. Rhi looks over to see Steve on the phone with someone.

"I'm on my way down, to coordinate search and rescue." Steve says as he heads down to the lobby.

Loki changes his form to that of Steve. "On my way down, to coordinate search and rescue." He says in a mocking voice before changing back to himself.

Rhi bites her lip to keep herself from laughing. Loki notices her reaction and winks at her before turning to Thor and saying, "I mean honestly, how do you people-"

"Shut up!" Thor interrupts before Loki can finish what he was going to say and places a metal guard over his mouth.

Tony, now out of his Iron Man suit, walks back over to Rhi with a concerned look and starts looking over Rhi for any cuts or bruises. "Did Loki hurt you? I'll kill him if he did!"

Rhi takes a moment to think about everything that happened after Tony was thrown through the window.

Should I tell them what happened with the stone? The scepter was back to normal after it blasted us so there's no proof of what happened.

He should at least know why mom left him. But again, how do I explain my vision without sounding crazy?

I think I'll wait to tell him until I can figure out how to explain everything.

She looks at Tony with a reassuring smile."Um no...he didn't hurt me. Nothing happened." Rhi then looks over at Loki to see him staring at her with a confused look.

Tony, obviously not believing her, walks away to grab one of his tablets. "J.A.R.VI.S. show me the footage of this room starting from after I was thrown."

Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now