Chapter 6

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*one year later*

After the invasion, the Avengers temporarily went their separate ways. Clint and Natasha went back on missions for S.H.I.E.L.D. so they were almost never in the tower. Thor was back on Asgard, handling business there. Steve moved to D.C. to work at one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s divisions down there, and Bruce stayed at the tower to work in Tony's lab.

Rhi was finally ready to give up her apartment and ended up taking her Dad up on his offer to move into the tower. I mean, how could she turn down having an entire floor to herself. That and the tower library needed a new librarian. Since no one really used it, it made it the perfect place to practice her powers.

Since discovering her powers, Rhi has been able to figure out and tap into the power of the mind stone that flows in her. One of those abilities being having a sixth sense. She can't see the future per-say, but her intuition was always right, and right now, it was tell her something bad was going to happen.

* * *

"Hey J.A.R.V.I.S., where's Dad?"

"He and Dr. Banner are in the lab, Miss Fairweather."

"Ok thanks, J."

"You're welcome Miss."

She looked up from the pile of books she was sorting at the clock to see it was a little past 2pm. The bad feeling she had was only getting stronger.

Fuck it, I'm closing early today.

She closed up the library and headed to the cafeteria and grabbed a couple of waters, some blueberries, and a couple of turkey sandwiches, and headed up to the lab to make sure everything there was in order.

She arrived at the lab to see both Bruce and Tony working on some projects together. Both of them still wearing the clothes they had yesterday.

Do they ever leave the lab?

"I come bearing sustenance!"

Tony and Bruce both looked up at Rhi and smiled as she brought over the food she grabbed.

"Thanks, Rhi." Bruce says as he grabs a sandwich

Tony grabs the blueberries and gives her a hug. "Yeah, thanks, kid."

She pulls away from Tony and winces. "When's the last time you guys showered?"

Bruce looked away to avoid answering, so Tony answered. "I don't think you want to know the answer to that question."

"Gross, Dad."

Tony shrugs his shoulders and walks back over to his project.

Rhi walks over to Bruce. "So, whatcha working on?"

"We're trying to construct a new module that'll, for lack of better terms, stop the Hulk if he ever goes on a rampage."

"I though you had handle on the green guy."

"I do. It's just more of a precaution incase..."

"It's ok, Bruce." Rhi cuts him off to give him a hug to discreetly use her powers to ease his mind. One of her other abilities, was being able to, for lack of better terms, manipulate people and their emotions. She didn't like using that part of her powers, except to help people.

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