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The group made it to Lizzie's house, Jimmy, shaking, was awaiting Lizzie's opinion. She laid Scott gently on a bed, and looked at him. "Punctured lung. Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. Jimmy, get me a scalpel." Jimmy was horrified, but got her what she asked. Lizzie removed Scott shirt, and cut into his chest (I have no fucking clue how surgery works bro) Jimmy promptly fainted, whether it was because he saw Scott's COLD HARD ABS, or that he is scared of blood, not too sure. Joel caught him though, and sat him on the couch. Jimmy woke up a little while later, and almost fainted again, but Joel took him out of the room to sit outside. Jimmy waited anxiously for hours, until Lizzie told him the surgery was over. 

Jimmy walked back inside, and looked at Scott. His chest was sown up. "He's gonna be okay, right?" Jimmy looked at Lizzie. "Of course, he's gonna wake up soon." Lizzie smiled at him. "I'll leave you two alone." Lizzie walked out. "Wait- what do you mean by that-" Jimmy started, but the door shut. Jimmy looked at Scott, and started to tear up. "Please be okay..." Jimmy put his hand on Scott's face. Scott's eyes started to open. "Lizzie! He's waking up!" Jimmy called. Lizzie, Joel, and Martyn ran in. "Woah.. where am i?" Scott asked. Jimmy began to sob. "Oh Scott," Jimmy fell and hugged Scott. "I was so scared..." Scott was in shock, but hugged Jimmy back. "Your lung was punctured by your broken ribs." Lizzie explained. "Oh, wow." Scott said, awkwardly patting Jimmy on the back. Jimmy was distraught. "I-I thought I l-lost you" Jimmy sobbed, sniffing. Scott pressed his lips to Jimmy's forehead. "It's okay, Jimmy. I'm okay." Jimmy was red. "I'm- I'm sorry. Are you feeling okay?" Jimmy got up, wiping his eyes. "I'm perfectly fine,    Jimmy, well, aside from my ribs." Scott laughed. "Hey, your ribs will be fine. I positioned them perfectly. Not that you didn't do good before, Jimmy." Lizzie said, smiling.

 Scott looked down and realized for the first time he was shirtless, and blushed. "Wheres my uh- shirt?" Scott laughed. Jimmy picked up his shirt from the couch next to him, and handed it to Scott. Scott put it on, and realized Joel and Martyn were laughing. "What's funny you sickos?" Scott glared at them. Joel pulled out his phone and showed Scott the picture he took earlier. Scott went red, and Lizzie leaned over to see. "Oh!" She looked at Scott and Jimmy. Scott looked at her in a way that said 'don't say a word.' Lizzie smiled, and looked away. Jimmy was confused. "Huh? What are you guys looking at?" Joel hurried to put his phone away. "Nothing, don't worry about it." Jimmy gave Joel a confused look, but quickly forgot when he looked outside. "Oh wow, its getting late." Jimmy looked at Lizzie. "Martyn, you should head home. Scott should stay here overnight, Jimmy, you're welcome to stay." Martyn left to his own house, and Lizzie and Joel  went to go to bed. Jimmy looked at Scott. Scott patted the bed next to him, and Jimmy sat down. 

Jimmy sighed. "I'm so glad you're okay. I thought you..." "died?" "...yeah, kinda dumb.." "that's sweet." "Huh?" "That you.. care." Scott's last statement was met with silence. Jimmy hugged Scott around the neck. Scott put his arms around Jimmy's waist and held him tight. They both fell asleep, faces inches away from eachother.

A/N: sorry its so short, the chapters will be longer on the weekends because of schoolwork. I'll try to write at least 3 chapters a week, 2 on the weekends, and then whatever i have time for on weekdays.❤️

Words: 586

Time spent: 1 hour

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