Angst time??? 😍😍

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Jimmy didn't talk to Scott for the rest of the day and sat outside, feeling awkward about the conversation they had. He hates being the center of attention and making people feel bad for him. He had only told one person ever besides Scott, and he had told his whole high school. He knew Scott wouldn't do that to him. Jimmy covered his face and tried to collect his thoughts. All he could think about was Scott. He really did seem to care. Why did Jimmy feel this way? He doesn't like Scott, well, not like that. Plus, He's not even gay. (Sweet ignorant boy ❤️) night started to fall, and Jimmy returned inside. Scott looked up at Jimmy as he walked in, and understood his facial expression as 'don't talk about it.' "Hey Jim, tired?" Jimmy nodded and got into bed next to Scott, pulling the covers over himself. Scott raised his eyebrows at him. "No cuddling?" Scott pouted. Jimmy smiled at Scott and wrapped his arms around Scotts neck, pressing the side of his face into Scotts chest. Scott rested his chin on top of Jimmy's head, and whispered something Jimmy didnt quite hear. "..huh..?" Jimmy mumbled, "Nothing, goodnight Jimmy." Scott held Jimmy close and fell asleep.



"Alright, you're definitely up to walk again!" Lizzie smiled at Scott. "For real? That's great!" Scott slowly stood up. Jimmy hugged Scott. "Yay!" Jimmy smiled "thanks Liz!" Lizzie left. "So, I guess that means you can go home now." Jimmy looked at Scott. "Oh, oh yeah. I guess so." Scott grabbed his things and gave Jimmy a kiss on the cheek. "See you later, bye!" Scott left. Jimmy held his hand to his cheek and felt his face was hot. "Huh? Why am I-" Jimmy went to his bathroom looked at his reflection in the mirror. "Why am I so red?" Jimmy went back to his room and sat on his bed. "I don't feel sick, that's weird." Jimmy laid his head down on his pillow and sighed. "I... don't like Scott... right?" Jimmy covered his face with his hands and thought hard. "No. Definitely not. Im... I'm straight." Jimmy rolled over and took a nap.

When Scott returned home, he felt lonely for the first time in nearly six weeks. He had has Jimmy by his side the entire time he was injured, which made Scott go red. It's not just a random crush, Scott loved Jimmy, as much as it hurt to say. There's no way Jimmy would ever like Scott back. Scott sat on his couch and held his pillow. It was good to be home, but he missed Jimmy. Tired from the trip home, Scott laid on his couch and tried to fall asleep.

After hours of turning and tossing, Scott finally got up. he felt cold. Empty, and afraid. He needed Jimmy, he couldn't fall asleep without him. Scott knew he wouldn't get any sleep at all, so he left to Jimmy's house.

Jimmy woke up to a knock at the door in the middle of the night. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, he opened the door. "...Scott? Are you okay?" Scott looked down. "I... I couldn't sleep. Can I.. sleep here?" "Oh, of course, you feeling okay?" Jimmy let Scott in. "Yeah, I just missed you I guess." Jimmy went red, but luckily it was too dark to see. "I... well.. let's go to bed.." Jimmy stumbled over his words, and got back in bed. Scott got in bed next to Jimmy, and Jimmy wrapped his arms around Scott's body immediately. Scott knew that Jimmy was the one. "I love you..." Scott whispered as they fell asleep. Jimmy smiled and kissed Scott on the cheek. There's no way that just happened, Scott thought. Maybe Jimmy did like Scott back...

When Jimmy woke up, he looked at Scott and realized. Scott liked him. It made sense now. Jimmy didn't know how he felt about Scott, but he knew that he must be leading him on. Jimmy unwrapped his arms from Scott and got out of bed. Scott stirred. "Jimmy? You alright?" Scott looked up. Jimmy swallowed. "Scott, I'm sorry, but I don't want to hurt you. I don't... I like you, but not like.. you know. I'm sorry."
Jimmy had tears in his eyes. Scott felt his heart break. Jimmy must hate him. Scott wiped his eyes and left. Jimmy fell to the floor and started crying

Joel was standing outside of Jimmy's house. "Why were you in there~" Joel teased Scott. "Shut up." Scott turned to face Joel, and he noticed the tears. "Woah man, what happened?" Scott covered his eyes. "Jimmy... Jimmy hates me." Scott ran off. "Wait- Scott! What? No he doesn't-" Joel froze before chasing after Scott. Does he comfort Jimmy or Scott? Then Joel slapped himself. Obviously whatever Jimmy did broke Scott's heart. Joel dashed after Scott.

Wiping his tears as he ran, Scott knew he ruined everything. He moved too fast. Jimmy definitely hated him now. Of course, Scott didn't even know if Jimmy was gay. I mean, when he rejected Scott he didn't say that he wasn't gay. Maybe he still had a- "No!" Scott yelled aloud, and stopped in his tracks. Joel ran directly into Scott. "Woah!" Joel got up. Scott started to sob. "W-why would I e-e-even think he would ever l-l-like me.." Scott said through his tears. Joel gave Scott a hug. "Hey man, what even happened?" "I went to Jimmy's be-because I couldn't sleep and- and I- I slept there, and then in the morning he just- he just told me he doesn't like me... like that. I.. I think I remember saying... that I loved him last night... UGH! I MOVED TOO FAST I RUINED EVERYTHING!" Scott pounded the ground with his fist. "No you didnt! Scott, Jimmy's just confused. I see the way he is with you. And Jimmy doesn't hate you! He said he doesn't like you like that. That doesn't mean he doesn't still like you as a friend!" Scott thought about what Joel said. "Well now he thinks I'm a weirdo for reacting like that! I ruined everything..." "No you didn't! stop saying that, I KNOW that Jimmy would never want to hurt you. He gets overwhelmed easily, you didn't do anything wrong." Scott wiped his eyes and nose with his sleeve. "I'm.. hic sorry..." Scott hiccuped. "This is... really embarrassing." Scott got up. "No it's not, showing emotions isn't embarrassing." Joel got up as well and gave Scott another hug. "It just shows how much you love Jimmy, and that's really sweet."

Joel walked Scott to his house, and gave him one last hug before heading home. Joel returned home to Lizzie. "No way! Poor Scott!" Lizzie covered her mouth. "Yeah, I wonder if Jimmy's okay." "What do you mean? He's the one who 'broke up' with Scott!" Lizzie shook her head. "If he's upset, it's his fault anyway." Lizzie laughed. "Well, if he is upset, we should comfort him anyway." Joel said. "Yeah, I guess. But tomorrow, I'm tired."

A/N: sorry this took so long to make! I've had a lot of school work and it's been difficult to find the time and inspiration to write. If you have any things you want to happen in the story, comment here!
Words: 1218
Time: like a week ☺️🤞

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