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Izuku Midoryia

Ever since he started liking you, he absolutely wanted you to know. He asked Ochako some tips, and got her to ask you what you would like on a first date, what kind of gifts your'e into and all that. You were walking out of class with Iida, Ochako, Tsuyu and Izuku.

You were walking to your locker and you noticed they were all gone. « Weird » you thought. You open your locker and a note falls out, you barely even saw it but when you did, you open and read it only to read «  Dear Y/N, I would like to meet you outside the school and talk to you, it's important. Please come to the park near your house in around 10 minutes. Izuku »

10 minutes later you were at the park and saw Izuku seating on the bench. You started walking towards him and he finally noticed you. He stood up and said « Hi Y/N ! » « Hi Izuku ! So you wanted to talk ? What's up ? » you replied. Then Ochako, Iida and Tsuyu started walking behind Izuku a big sign floating above them. You started blushing when Izuku took your hands in his, and started talking

«  Y/N, I like you a lot and I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to ruin our friendship, but it's getting out of hand, I think about you all the time, your'e always on my mind. So if it's okay with you...will you be my girlfriend ? »
You blushed even more and read the sign above him that said « SAY YES » in big capital letters.
You only had one word in your mind at this moment and it was

Bakugo Katsuki

You guys were training teams by teams and you were paired with Bakugo ( weird right) but you guys were against Izuku and Shinso. Wich you didn't really like. So the fight started and Bakugo obviously just started running towards them without even having a plan.

So you just hid and waited for someone to come for you. You were still in your hiding spot when you saw Izuku running with Katsuki chasing him. It was kinda funny but you stopped laughing when you saw he was running towards you actually.

He was about to hit you with a smash before you could even react so you just closed your eyes and wiated for it to happen but something stopped it. You opened you eyes again to see Katsuki's back turned towards you and Izuku's fist in his stomach. He just fell in front of you then you had to continue the fight alone.

You ended up losing cause you accidentally answered to Shinso. So now you were at Recovery girls's office waiting for Bakugo to wake up. When he finally did you burst out and yelled at him

« WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT » he just answered a quiet (for once) « what the fuck are you talking about » « WHY WOULD YOU TAKE THE PUNCH FOR ME » you still yelled « JEEZ MAYBE BECAUSE I LOVE YOU AND I DIDN'T WANT YOU TO GET HURT » he finally yelled, but still you answered, not even realising what he said « WELL I LOVE YOU TOO BUT YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO PUT YOURSELF IN DANGER LIKE THIS FOR ME » he then said calmly « Wait you love me too » and then you said « Wait you love me ? » Then Recovery girl came in and interrupted y'all 😶

Shoto Todoroki

Ever since that night, he couldn't get you out of his head, he just couldn't. He wanted to confess, he had to.

One day you were hanging out in his dorm when he suddenly broke the silence and asked
« Hey Y/N, do you like someone, like romantically ? » you then thought for a second and said « Yeah I do, why ? » he then just suddenly said « Because you were the one I was thinking about that night, and ever since I can't seem to get you out of my head » you then said « Well, is that a bad thing ? » « No it's not, I love you, and I would totally get it if you don't like me back but-» he was then cut off by your lips on his 🤭

Eijiro Kirishima

After a few weeks of his mom teasing him, he got sick of it and asked her what to do to confess to you. She just told him to tell you in the smoothest way possible, like it was normal. So that's what he did.

One day you met up to hang out and just out of the blue and randomly said « Y/N, your'e my best friend right ? » you answered « Yes, I am Eijiro, why ? »
He then just asked « I can tell you anything, right ? »
« Of course Eiji, what's wrong ? »

He then literally just said
« I've liked you for a while now and as much as I don't want to ruin our friendship I just feel like I need to ask you If you would like to be my girlfriend ? »
You were D.U.M.B.F.O.U.N.D.E.D
After a few seconds you proceeded to process what he just told you and answered with a quick « I would love to » and then you guys hugged

Denki Kaminari

Y'all were having a sleepover at his dorm and you brought your bag with you. Ever since you had it, you slept with the plushie every night and it's like you just couldn't sleep without it anymore.

So you were changing in his bathroom and you left your bag open, he was laying in his bed and saw the plushie hanging from your bag and chuckled to himself, you got out of the bathroom and asked « What are you laughing at ? »
he then looked up at you and said « You really seem to love it huh ? » he said laughing.
You then said
« Yeah, I love it just as much as you »
You didn't even notice what you just said and when you turned to him he was staring at you and he then said
« I love you too »
You then said
« Wait oh my god I didn't mean to oh my god do you really I mean you don't to fake it- » he then smashed his lips on yours and shut you the fuck up 😙

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