Chapter 47

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The celebrations had lasted until the sun rose above the valley. Many of the guests had drank themselves to sleep in the great hall, and those that had stayed awake continued drinking.

Benjamin and Loveday found Maria and I before leaving, holding a sleeping Willow tightly.

“Maria, may I have a word privately for a moment?” Benjamin asked, leading her away. I felt her squeeze my hand lightly before she let go and followed her uncle.

“So? Where have you decided to whisk her away to?” Loveday pressed. She had been asking any chance she could, but I kept silent.

“It’s a surprise for her, but I am taking her back to London. With father’s help, I was able to buy her family home. After that, I was thinking I’d take her to see Paris, or the Highlands,” I said, quietly. “Wherever she wants to go, really.”

Father was the only one who knew of my plan to buy her old home, and I knew if I had told Loveday sooner she may have told Benjamin. She covered her mouth to keep in a gasp, and I knew I had done the right thing.

“Robin, she’s going to love it. But… are you going to take her away? Benjamin would be heartbroken, as would the rest of us.”

“No, I’m not going to keep her there. This is our home. I just wanted to give her a chance to be close to her parents again. She hasn’t been back since her father’s funeral. This would give her the option to go back whenever she missed them,” I explained. Now worry filled my mind, wondering if she’d want to come back to the valley with me.

Loveday kissed my cheek, careful not to wake Willow, and ruffled my hair. “You’ve done good, Robin. You’re going to be such a good husband to her. I’m proud of you.”

Benjamin and Maria returned, Maria wiping away tears as she walked back to my side.

Everything alright?


I bit my lip to say anything out loud, hoping she wasn’t upset by anything Benjamin said.

“We should leave you two to rest before you travel. Congratulations!”

“Ah, yes, congratulations you two. Well, there we are. Nothing to be done. Robin, take good care of my niece.” He held out his hand, and I shook it once before they turned to leave.

“Are you going to tell me why he made you cry?”

“It wasn’t anything bad, I promise. He was just wanting to have a private goodbye, that’s all.” She looked up at me as she spoke, smiling lightly.

I let out a deep breath, “I’m not taking you away forever, you know. You can go see him and Willow and Loveday whenever you wish. Come, we need to sleep before our trip.”

“Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.”

I led her up the stairs and towards my room, but I could feel her getting hesitant the closer we got.

“We’re just going to rest, princess. Loveday brought a change of clothes for you, and she’s having a trunk arrive later for you with clothes for our honeymoon.” I said, squeezing her hand. I let her walk in first, before quickly closing the door. She looked around the room for a moment before turning to me.

“Would you like me to step out while you changed?” She shook her head slowly.

“I need help with the lacing.” My heart started beating out of my chest. I had done this before, today wasn’t any different.

I opened the bag Loveday had left, pulling out the nightgown I had seen her in last night. Setting it on my bed, I stepped behind her to unlace the dress. My fingers were shaking as I pulled on the ribbon, until I pulled it loose enough and she turned to face me.

“Robin, this isn’t the first time you’ve seen me in my undergarments, you know,” she teased quietly. I could tell she was just as nervous, but we had both agreed nothing would happen until she was ready.

“That was different.”

“Was it?” Maria let the dress fall, stepping out of it lightly before reaching for the nightgown.

“So…so much different,” I breathed.

After she pulled the nightgown on, she stepped in front of the mirror to take her hair down. I chuckled watching her struggle to find the pins in her hair, before walking over to help her. She watched me through the mirror, her eyes never leaving me.

“I hope that this is the last time you ever have this many pins in your hair.” I held out my hand, showing her the large pile that rested in it. She giggled lightly before turning around to me. I set the pins on the windowsill, running my hands through her curls. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh as I did, leaning into me slightly.

“You’re exhausted, Maria. You need to sleep.”

“Then let’s sleep.”

“After you, my wife.” I kissed her cheek and stepped out of her way, letting her lead me to bed. As soon as she got comfortable under the blankets, I changed out of the suit into more appropriate clothes and slid in next to her.

I could feel her already succumbing to sleep, but she still made sure to cuddle up to my side before completely slipping away. I kissed her forehead and held her tight, happy that I wouldn’t have to leave her in the morning.

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