Chapter 1

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I gripped her arm as my father spoke. The fabric of her sleeves soft between my rough fingers. Those ridiculous pearls at the center of attention again. As my father ranted on about the downfall of the valley, I looked down at her. She didn't look scared, but she wasn't calm. I couldn't make out her expression, let alone keep my eyes off her. Auburn hair, curly and messy, freckled porcelain skin...

As I dragged her down to the dungeons, I pushed all thoughts of the pearls away and focused on this girl. This stupid girl who walked right into De Noir territory. You could have stayed safe if you hadn't come here. My anger took over as I shoved her towards the cell.

"Leave me alone, you oaf." Her spunk made me laugh.

"You know for someone in your current, predicament, I have to admire your spirit." I grinned, and I didn't even have time to see her foot swing back, to meet my shin at full force.

I groaned as I bent over, holding my shin for a moment. I looked up for a moment and grabbed the back of her neck, pushing her further towards the cell.


My friends jeered behind me, but I kept going. She looked back at me for a moment, and I saw the terror in her eyes.

"Hey, lock her in!" One of the guards jumped up and followed behind me to the cell. She stared at me through the metal heart, and I gave a sarcastic wave back to her. "Guard watch her! She's slippery."

As I walked back through the tunnel, I kept silent. She was going to escape, that wasn't a question. She somehow always did.

An hour or two later, I went and checked on her. She was asleep on the floor, and I sighed. She was cute, in an overly proper sort of way. I rubbed the new scar on my hand. I remembered the first time I saw her, in the cemetery, dressed in black. You'd have been a spunky De Noir, child.

A couple more hours passed, I had gone back to my room, pacing like no tomorrow. And just as I thought, I heard the yelling. You insolent girl!

I saw a flash of blue run past me and I followed, my friends following close. "Princess!" I yelled as she climbed up top of the ledge. "What are you gonna do now?"

She has nowhere to go, she better be smart and come down. There's nothing past that ledge. In a matter of seconds, she stepped back to far and her scream echoed down the hill as she tumbled.

"I want her killed," My father started. "I won't let her stop the curse. Their death is our victory."

"Stupid girl, should have just stayed where you are." I started running. The forest was massive, and she could have been anywhere by now.


A blue ribbon was caught on a tree, and I grabbed it quickly. We kept running until we heard a bark. The demon dog...

She's safe for now.

I could hear my father's frustrated yell as, hopefully, she made her way out of the forest. I trekked back to the castle, breathing hard as I got back to my room. She was most definitely going to be the death of me. She was going to be the last moon princess, and hopefully it was for the better. This stupid curse had taken away my sister, Loveday, when she tried to marry Benjamin. That damned Merryweather.

I remember watching him search the forest for her. I had helped her hide, close enough to the castle, and far enough away to stay hidden from him

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