MINDY TEXTED EVERYONE in the group chat to meet her where the benches were at, at the park so that she could inform them on some important news. This was an S.O.S and whenever Mindy sends an S.O.S this means business.
Zoe sat right next to Ethan, his arms wrapped around her and her head on his shoulder as she watched her friend talk about her daily "suspect list"
Mindy spoke standing in the middle of everyone, "ok listen up!"
All eyes were now on her. Ears perked up ready to listen to anything she had to say that could help them.
Even chad brought a notebook and pencil, Zoe thought it was funny though when she asked him earlier why he had it. While they joked it went unnoticed by the both of them as Ethan watched chad make his girlfriend laugh, it made his blood boil and his jaw clench.
"As terrifying as this all is, I'm actually glad I didn't call the killers last time...it's fine." She smiled to herself. Mindy sighed before resuming to her monologue, "As I see it, someone is out to make a sequel to the requel." Mindy stated.
Anika raised her hand not quite understanding, "um what's a requel?" She asked.
"Ahh You're beautiful sweetie." Mindy smiles at her girlfriend passionately, "but Hold all questions till the end."
Anika smiles back at her, blowing a kiss while Mindy catches it.
"We're not in a sequel because nobody just makes sequels anymore," Mindy states to everyone who just looked at her dumbfounded not understanding, "we're in a franchise." She says excitedly.
"Well isn't that fun." Zoe grumbles.
"There are certain rules to a franchise. Rule one; everything is bigger than last time. There's a bigger budget, bigger cast, bigger body count, shootouts, beheadings" she rants on and on.
"Beheadings," chad exclaimed shocked.
"Beheadings." Mindy answered.
"Rule two; whatever happened last time, expect the opposite. If the killer last time where whiny snowflake nerds with letterbox accounts instead of actual personalities, you can bet the opposite will be true."