💔PART 13: (Running Away)💔

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With Ludwig
Ludwig had been sitting on the examination table in the infirmary, looking down at the ground as he partially paid attention to what Kamek was saying.

"I understand that you were angry Ludwig, and you couldn't bear but not forgive Roy. But that didn't give you the opportunity to kill your brother! and what worse is that your father even hurt you!!" exclaimed Kamek angrily, having been ranting the entire time.

Ludwig knew he f#cked up. He didn't mean to let his anger get the best of him. "I'm sorry Kamek... I've never wanted this to happen..." Said Ludwig. He apologized to Kamek. But he couldn't apologize to Roy and the rest.

Ludwig glancing over at the Magikoopa as he continued to brew up a potion to help heal his bruise faster.

Ludwig realized that he felt tears roll down his face. He tried wiping them away. But he hissed in pain when he felt the bruise sting.

Kamek then had finished the potion and turned around, walking over to the older Koopaling.

He handed the potion to Ludwig.

"Rub this on the bruise. It should heal it up within an hour after applying" Sais Kamek. Ludwig looked at it.

"Thanks Kamek... if you see Father, tell him that... I'm sorry and I won't bother even going near my siblings..." said Ludwig.

He left the infirmary, heading back to his room with the small bottle in-hand, a million thoughts running through his head.

Ludwig sat on his bed. Having so many thoughts in his head. Thinking about Roy, Iggy and Lemmy. He hope they were ok.

He felt so guilty about what he did.


His room was filled with silence.

His mind went blank.

He shut his eyes and shook his head.

He turned around and checked the time on the clock that was on his nightstand.

It was past 10:15pm, indicating that everyone would probably be asleep by now. Ludwig slowly gets up from his bed. He walks to the window. Seeing the moon hasn't shine yet. It was darkness out there.

He gave a frown. Feeling so a-shame about the incident. He squeezed his hands. So angry with himself.

"You stupid Idiot!!" Ludwig shouts as he pushes the wall. He started throwing things around and getting angry.

He stops. Seeing his bandages still on him. He saw the cuts healed up a bit. He growls. "You deserve pain..." Ludwig slowly starting crying. He hands his face. Started sobbing a bit. "I hate myself so much...! Why can't I do anything right?" He asked. He hating himself a lot.

"I can't... I can't stay here. No ones safe when I'm here" said Ludwig. "I need to leave... it's the best for there safety" said Ludwig. He didn't even know what was going on with him anymore. He can't be here. If he's a danger to his family and the Koopa kingdom. "But first... I must do it again" Ludwig unwraps his bandage. Slowly coming off.

They hit the ground without making any noise. Ludwig looks down at his arms. Seeing them cut but healed and not bleeding.

He gave a hard sigh as he frown to them.

"It won't hurt if I do.. it again" said Ludwig. About to do his self harm again.

He takes a deep breath. Ready to do it. He takes his claws out.

He drags the claws down his skin. Feeling his skin starting opening and blood starting pouring out. His skin went red around the wounds.

He could feel pain to threw his arms. Stinging a lot.

"Your a man! Act like one!" Ludwig angry. He knows that he's older and he can't act like a 5 year old.

Suddenly, he started going faster. Digging deeper into his skin. As his claws went more bloodier and a mess.

He didn't care anymore. He already hurt enough people. He hurt his older brother, knocked out his little brother. And even hurt his close best friend Iggy.

He stops, seeing blood everywhere on his arm. He hisses in pain. "Ow...!" Ludwig holds his arm. But it hurt more. He moves his arm away from him.

"Come on. Only one more" said Ludwig. He takes his order claws out. He slowly drags the order into the arm.

Like the same, he goes faster cutting his arm. Making it the same as the order arm he done.

Ludwig stops, looking down at his arms all bloody and red as dead. But he didn't care at all. He knows he deserves this.

Why was he acting weird and different. Sure he was mad at Roy for beating Iggy up. But he didn't have to beat him up back, and not try kill him.

It was like he was turning into Kooky again. The old self of him. When he was a child.

"I should..." Ludwig said. He looks behind him, he saw that he had no more bandages anymore. "Dammit" he softly said.

"What am I gonna use?" He asked. He didn't know. But he sighs.

"If I don't have anything to wrap my arms with... then I'll have to go like this" said Ludwig. He then decided to make them feel better himself.

He goes close to his arms. He started licking the blood on the scars. Trying to dry the scars. But which they keep bleeding out. He kept on licking them.

After a while, they kinda stopped bleeding. "Ok... time to go" Ludwig grabs his bags, and starting packing some stuff up To take with him. He grabbed his journal and he grabbed his little piano that he got on Christmas. He grabbed some books just to read, He grabbed his wand.

He was done packing. He didn't know what else to take. He felt like he had everything. So he decided to go now.

"Wait..l before I go, I'll probably have to leave a note..." said Ludwig. He takes out a peace of paper. He started waiting saying his goodbyes and hope no one will come and find him.

He leave it on his desk. He sighs real hard. Knowing that maybe no one would care if he leaves. Ludwig sighs, he gets up and He walks to his window.

Slowly opening it. Looking down seeing it really long way down.

At least he actually had a rope. He swings the rope down and ties it on his bed. "Ok..." Ludwig slowly started sliding down the rope. But making sure his hands won't burn.

When he got down, he looks up. He decided he needed to cut the rope? But how, he would just fall if he goes back up.

"I'll just leave it" said Ludwig. He took another sigh, Looking down about leaving his family.

He started walking now, running away from his home, his family, His life. He didn't care, he didn't wanna hurt his family anymore. He wished he wasn't born.

As Ludwig was far now. He looks back, seeing his home in the distance. He had no regrets. He didn't want to even go back. He thought it was for there safety. Him being far away from them, so he wouldn't hurt them again.

"Goodbye Family... I love you all" Ludwig puts his hand on his chest. Almost about to cry. But wipes them away. He didn't wanna be a crybaby. He looks away, he started walking away, walking off to run away like he planned on.


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