chapter 2 wall boy gave me a doll?

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Third person POV

Soon, she woke up and looked around the room. She completely forgot to get changed into pyjamas so she just grabbed an outfit and went on with her day. She grabbed a black turtle neck sweater with a dark forest green skirt and black thigh highs which she was going to pair with combat boots.

She then went to the bathroom and went on with her daily routine, she showered, making sure to draw the curtain, she never knew who could be peaking at her, this wasn't her world after all. Brahms was in the walls, Billy in the attic, if she knew one thing from Black Christmas, it's that Billy is really stealthy and will peak at anyone he has a chance of killing, which in this moment, is her.

Brahms was aswell, very sneaky. Living in the walls for so long he knew how to avoid squeaky floor boards and how to navigate the walls, not to mention he was practically silent the entire time Greta was there in the movie, except for the part where he busted out of the wall. He could be looking aswell but she knew he would probably have more decency than Billy when it came to these things.

Little did she know he was planning a surprise for her downstairs.

Through the noise of the shower, she failed to hear someone getting out of the walls, moving down the stairs and placing something in a chair with a note, then going back to their original hiding spot...the walls.

Soon, she finished taking a shower, putting the clothes she picked out earlier on, with some undergarments.
She was drying her hair as she was going down the stairs, and when she got down she put the towel in the wash before going to the living room.

Not expecting to see anything out of the ordinary, but there it was. The original Brahms doll. Sitting there, in a chair, with a note on its leg. There, on the note were the rules Brahms gave his nannies.
1.No guests
2.Never leave Brahms alone
3.Save meals in the freezer
4.Never cover Brahms' face
5.Read a bedtime story
6.Play music loud
7.Clean the traps
8.Only Malcolm brings deliveries
9.Brahms is never to leave
10.Kiss goodnight

The rules list was the same as the movie except rule number 7 and 8 were crossed out, for understandable reasons, since they were in the sorority house, there wouldn't be any mice because of Claude, and Malcolm wasn't in America.

She knew not to upset him. If she did, she would feel like an asshole, and he would probably kill her, if he liked her though, Billy might not kill her. Then a question popped into her mind...

Should she make food for Billy aswell?
She made a decision...possibly a bad one but it'll likely turn out good...that is if Brahms likes her.

She was going to make meals for Billy aswell, it could get him to like her more and not kill her, but, the downside is that he'll know she knew he was in the attic, she'll leave the meals in the fridge and leave them there, if they're both gone, either Brahms took them both or Billy took one too.

If he confronted her, she'll need a reason...she could say he was screaming a little too loudly when he called, she did hear him a little from the attic when he called her, it was a valid excuse that would lead him to exposing himself out in the open to her. Now she had to follow Brahms rules though, she needed to go and make breakfast.

She obeyed the rules, taking the doll with her and placing it in a chair at a table in the kitchen. Then opening the fridge and grabbing some eggs, she knew he was watching her through the walls, she could feel his gaze on her body, looking at her curiously, wondering what she would do.

She just grabbed an apron, put it over her neck and tied the string around her waist and began cooking an omelette, hoping that Brahms will enjoy it, aswell as Billy. She did have a degree in cooking, aswell as music, so she hoped that school would have actually taught her something good for once.

Soon she finished the three plates of eggs and handed one to Brahms, putting one in the fridge and finally, eating her own plate of eggs.
Soon after she finished eating, she grabbed Brahms plate before putting it in the fridge, like the rules said to.
She smiles at the Brahms doll and speaks so the real Brahms in the walls could hear her.

'Let's go read a book Brahms, I'll even play you some music at the end of the chapter!'
She spoke in a happy, gentle tone to the doll, as if it was an actual child, a real person. This was because she knew the real Brahms was listening in and peaking through the walls, she did not want to die yet, especially by the hands of her favourite slashers.

That would be a sad way to go since she still hadn't met the other slashers that would be here yet, atleast she hoped there were more.
She then picks up the doll and takes it to her room, it was the only room with books and a vinyl player.

She picked out the book 'Cat and Mouse' and began reading the first chapter of the book loudly so Brahms could hear in the walls, at this point she was okay with feeling eyes on her for so long, she felt strangely comfortable with it.

After a while, she finished the first chapter, and spoke again.
'What kind of music would you like to hear?'
She knew what he wanted to hear, she still asked however. She put her hands on a record that read, 'Brahms lullaby'.
'Would you like to hear this one?'
She then heard proof of his presence...
Two knocks were heard from inside of the wall...he was there.

She then nodded and put the record on the vinyl player, putting the needle on the record and turning it on so it plays loudly.
After awhile, the song ended and she put the record back. It was time for lunch now, she went to the kitchen, holding the Brahms doll, and went to the fridge looking for ingredients. She had enough ingredients to make some tomato soup and grilled cheese. She also noticed that both plates were gone and in the sink instead of the fridge, she thought that it was just Brahms that took both plates but little did she know

...Billy really enjoyed her cooking...he was going to keep her around a while if she was this hospitable...

She then set off to work, putting Brahms in a chair and putting on her apron before washing the dishes and making the soup and grilled cheese.
She plated the soup, three bowls and placed one in the fridge, one infront of Brahms and one infront of herself. She ate her food and the placed Brahms dish in the fridge.

She then asked a question again.
'Would you like to hear me play the piano for you?'
She heard two knocks on the wall again, so she grabbed the doll and went to her room where there was a piano, she set the doll down on a seat next to the piano seat and began playing nocturne in E flat major, op.9, No.2.

Her hands were skillfully pressing the keys, all of the chord position were polished to perfection and she pressed on the pedal when she needed to, in perfect timing. It was clear she had a degree in music when she played.
Soon the song finished, and she asked a question.

'Did you enjoy the song Brahms?'
She then heard two fast knocks on the wall, he was a little excited by her playing so well. He liked this nanny...she seemed nice...he'll just have to see if she sticks around when discovering him...

Then she picked up the doll and headed to the kitchen again, it was time for dinner now.
She found some ingredients for some pasta so she made carbonara pasta and made three plates of it, one in the fridge, one infront of Brahms and one which she ate.

When she finished eating, she took Brahms's plate and put it in the fridge, then picking Brahms up and taking him to bed, she couldn't find a room so she asked which room he wanted to sleep in.

'Brahms, which room do you sleep in?'
She then heard knocking in the walls, the knocking lead to...her room...
She sucked it up and tucked him in bed, saying goodnight and pressing a kiss to his forehead.

She then crawled into bed herself, pulled the covers over her and fell asleep...unaware of who was currently in her room...

??? POV

she is so pretty...I hope this new girl stays...but she won't leave..she loves me..she took care of me and Billy, I didn't even mention Billy in the rules though...maybe she heard him being too loud in the attic again..I lean over her sleeping figure and tuck some hair behind her ear, lean over and kiss her on the cheek...she deserves a goodnight kiss tonight too...she seems nice...I'll protect long as she doesn't leave me...she can't leave me...not like Greta did...

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