the new surprise!!!!

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A week after Sarah went to the vet, she had a foal!!!!!!! Mr. Fern decided to let me name it jumper and it was a girl! I named it jumper because she is very playful, jumpy, hyper, and likes to rear and buck! I instantly fell in love with jumper. In said to myself, this is probably what Sarah was like as a newborn foal. And then this idea popped into my head. Maybe when Jumper was old enough to separate from Sarah I might could have her jumper. Just maybe! My yard would be the perfect size for a baby and by the time she was big enough to be rode we would probably have more money to buy a few more acres. I was overjoyed by the thought!!! I would be thinking about it through my camp days while I can't ride Sarah. Then one day I would ask Mr. Fern.

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