[Chapter 27] Return

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[Alva's Perspective]

The rest of the week had passed without major incident. The others were still off on their trip, while I, Jordan, James, and Martha had been the only ones who stayed behind. As if any if us had had a choice. I had come to realize that they had all been told by Ianite to stay behind to care for me. Jordan to replace Tom, James if we needed healing potions or spells, and Martha so that I would have someone I knew well around.

Why Ianite hadn't just stayed herself, I didn't know.

In fact I hadn't seen her since she and Jordan rescued me. It was growing increasingly annoying to that she refuse to talk to me.

I had just gotten word that they had returned from their mission. I headed over to Tucker's dojo to see them. I had grown rather bored of the same surroundings. When I stepped inside I saw Tucker and Sonja, but no Tom.

"Have you guys seen Tom?" I asked.

"Sorry Alva," Sonja told me. "You just missed him. Dianite wanted to talk to him."

"Oh," I said, "ok. You don't by any chance know where they are, do you?"

"You could try Tom's tree," Tucker suggested. I nodded in thanks before heading out.


When I got to the tree there was no one around. I grumbled to myself angrily, but noticed something as I turned to leave.

The grass in one corner of the yard was completely trampled down, as if someone had been pacing back and forth before a fight broke out. As I got closer I heard some shouting.

"Tom?" I asked out loud. His voice, if it was his, sounded muffled. Perhaps he was underground somewhere. "Tom where are you?!"

Leave, Alva.

"Dianite?" I asked. "Where's Tom?"

I said leave. We are in the middle of something and I-

Dianite scoffed. I had yet to see his red, cloudy form appear anywhere. Perhaps he felt he didn't need it.

And now he's out of the box. Goodbye Alva.

"Box?!" I yelled. "What box? You're his god, why are you keeping him in a box?!"

Goodbye Alva.

"No!" I shouted, unsure of where to direct my frustration. "I need to talk to him! Don't ignore me, come back!"

That was all I needed; another god to start ignoring me.

I ran all the way back to Jordan's fortress, ignoring the out of the way route I had to take to do so. Running was good for anger, and I had a lot to let out.

When I got back Guard Tom greeted me.

"Hello Alva," he said nicely. "How was your day?" I walked past him without answering. "Alva?"

"Just leave me alone," I said stubbornly. "Everyone else does." I closed the door to my room and latched it.

"Alva please," he started knocking on the door, "let me talk to you."

"No!" I shouted. Why couldn't he just ignore me like everyone else did?

"Alva," Ianite's voice came from behind me. My body went rigid. I did not want to talk to her anymore.

"What do you want," I said flatly.

"I came to speak with you," she said softly. I felt her getting closer.

"Alva?" Guard Tom said again. "Who's in there with you?"

"Why did you leave me?!" I screamed at her.

"Alva," Guard Tom said, still banging on the door to my room, "if you don't let me in I'm going to get The Captain!"

"You made Andor feel unwanted by never talking to him and then do the same thing to me!" I ignored Guard Tom. I hated making him upset, but I needed to be alone with Ianite. "And then you send off the one person who had done nothing but care for me since I arrived, and leave me with someone who blames me for getting between him and the person he loves!"

"Between wha-" Ianite looked taken aback. "Alva, please calm down."

"No, I-"

"Please," she cut me off. "At least let me explain what happened to you in the taint." I crossed my arms but let her continue. "The taint... That's what killed you before. Because it's a part of me it has a way of taking my relatives, particularly the ones related by blood, and trying to drain their power to give me more. That's what happened to you; it was trying to restore my power."

"Why would it need to do that?" I asked. I sat down on my bed and looked away from her. Guard Tom had stopped banging on the door, presumably to go find Jordan. "You're a goddess, surely you couldn't have anything to gain from me."

Ianite visably hesitated. She seemed unsure if she should say anything more, but the glare I sent her clearly made her think otherwise.

"I'm growing very weak Alva. I don't know how much longer I can last." I was surprised. She mentioned feeling weaker when I first met her, but it didn't seem that extreme; more along the lines of her needing a good nap. "Gods aren't the most powerful beings you know. There is so much more out there that you can't even begin to imagine. We're rather insignificant actually."

"Please don't talk like that," I said finally.

"Like what?" She looked mildly confused, but mostly distracted.

"Like you're going to leave again," I said. "Only forever this time."

"I can't promise I won't," she said truthfully. Over were the days of adults lying to me to keep me from worrying.

"Why won't you talk to Andor." I was more than a little shaken up and it came out as less than a question.

"He's been through so much because of me leaving before." Now it was her turn to look away. "If he asked I don't think I'd have the heart to tell him I might leave forever. But I can't lie to him. That would only make it worse when it happens."

"If it happens," I corrected.

"Alva?" Jordan knocked on the door. "Are you alright?"

"She's fine Jordan," Ianite said, walking to the door.

"M'lady?" When she opened the door Jordan's confused expression was revealed. "Tom, why were you so upset?"

"Because the other travelers just got back from their adventure and I thought one of them had upset her." Guard Tom came out from behind Jordan to look into the room.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Jordan asked me.

"Yes," I lied.

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