[Chapter 28] Marthanite

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[Alva's Perspective]

"Wait for James!" We head him shout from over the hill in third person.

"Come on Waglington," Tom complained. "Even Sparklez managed to get here on time!"

"Hey!" Jordan shouted indignantly as he back handed Tom in the arm. Tom and I both laughed.

Today had been the first day since their return that Ianite had allowed me to see Tom. I think Sonja spoke with her about, but I don't know how much that could have had to do with it. Somewhere along the way Jordan and Tom seemed to have made up as well. I don't know if I'll ever understand those two.

Finally James appeared from behind a tree, trying to catch his breath.

"Just in time," Martha said. There was a clear spark in her eye when he arrived. "The sun's just about to set."

"Dianite," Ianite said, "are you ready?"

As ready as I can be considering the circumstances.

His glowing cloud flickered in anticipation.

Martha took one last glance at James before she walked over to some patterns drawn in the ground in white chalk. They reminded me of what witchcraft I had seen Jordan do, only these were much more ornate and complex. The area was surrounded by candles and flowers. It would have been breathtaking were it not for the tension in the air.

As she stepped within the outer circle of the design her footsteps were marked with small flashes of light and a faint clicking sound.

When She reached the center she turned to face us and her eyes started glowing as she opened them. Ianite and Dianite stood on either side of the circle, muttering incantations.

Purple and red sparks began flickering from the candles and circled Martha, getting faster and faster until we couldn't see her any more. James looked incredibly worried as our view was obstructed.

"Martha?" He asked softly.

Suddenly the red sparks began to grow out of control and started to overtake the purple ones. As we began to be able to see Martha again her eyes stopped glowing. She blinked and looked around in a panic before disappearing.

"Martha!" James shouted as he lunged towards the circle where she had been standing.

"James!" Ianite shouted. "Stay back!"

I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back just before he reached the falling magic. He dropped down to his knees in front of me.

Relax boyo, She's just in the nether.

"Our power wasn't balanced enough," Ianite said, "so she was dragged into Dianite's realm."

"What?" Jordan asked.

"What do you mean 'not balanced enough,'" Tom asked. "You're both gods."

"It's... Complicated." Ianite looked over to me. Clearly she wanted me to understand that this was a result of what we had discussed the other day. Of her growing weaker.

"I'm going to find her." James stood up and walked straight back in the direction of his house.

"I'll help you," Tom said. He looked worried about James' near break down.

"I'm sure she's fine," Tucker said. He looked unbelievably bored with the whole display.

I swear, you act more and more like Jeriah every day.

"Well I mean he technically is me so..."

I wouldn't be bragging about that if I was you, Dianite said smugly.

Tucker glared in his direction. "Come on Sonj, let's go."

She raised an eyebrow in amusement but followed without a word. Dianite and Ianite both followed suit and vanished.

I had to do something about Ianite. I had to help her. There had to be some way.

Something in a tree near by caught my attention.

It looked like a large pair of purple and gold glasses. Exactly like the ones Jordan had described to me.

"Alva?" I heard Jordan ask from behind me.

"Yes," I said softly.

"You see it too, don't you?" He asked me.

"It appears so," I replied, not quite sure what to feel. Jordan just hugged me. My thoughts returned to his goddess.

And I thought if a plan.

A plan that he would undoubtedly hate.

Because I would have to leave instead of Ianite.

"Jordan..." I tried to figure out how to tell him I would be leaving. It had hurt him so much when Andor left that I didn't know if I would hurt him even more. But I couldn't even begin to face Tom with the information and I had to tell some one.

"Yes?" He asked when I said nothing.

"I..." I looked away from him. "I'm leaving. I'm going to try to give Ianite the power she needs to make Martha a god."

"W-what?" He looked confused until he figured out what I meant. "Alva no!"

"Good bye Jordan." I started to walk away from him.

"Alva don't do this!" He shouted. "It's not a good idea! This won't end how you want it to."

I could hear him following me.

"Say goodbye to Tom for me."

I summoned an end portal and closed it behind me before he could follow. I jumped out of the vortex before reaching The End, stumbling slightly into a field bordering on a purple forest. The moon was just beginning to rise above the tree line.

"I won't let you die."

[Author's Note]

All of the feels.
*insert evil face here*

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