[Chapter 33] Answers

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[Alva's Perspective]

By the time Declan and I made our seperate ways home, it was well past sun down. I climbed back up the stairs to Jordan's towers. After a good night's sleep I decided to figure out what my reason for being here, that everyone besides me seemed to know, was.

"So Guard Tom works for Mianite, correct?" I asked Jordan as I went downstairs.

"Yeah," he said, "good morning, Alva."

"Good morning. Where is he?"

"He's... A couple miles away from here. Why do you ask?"

"I need to speak with him."

Jordan looked surprised. "Alva, I really don't think you should go see him; he tried to kill Tom."

"Well I need answers," I said. "Declan and the zombie guards both said something about my path and I-"

"Alva, please," he began. "Promise me you won't go near him? He tricked us all once, he could trick you."

"But I-"

"Please! For me."

I looked into his longing eyes.

"Fine," I said. I hated lying to him, but I couldn't stand people worrying about me. I sat down at the table and took one of the pieces of toast.

"Thank you." He smiled and lifted the newspaper back up. Urulu Observer, the title read. Some of the top stories for the day seemed to be sightings of a dragon reading about gold plating in the library, various scattered wither sightings, and a new strain of flu going around the refugees.

"So I noticed you were not here when I got home," I said casually. He lowered the paper slightly and raised an eyebrow when he looked at me. "Were you perhaps spending some time hanging around a certain, oversized, tree?"

He blushed and quickly raised the paper again, turning the paper loudly. I laughed and headed for the front door.

"Just don't make too many babies," I said lightly. "I'm going to Declan's."

"Well then the same to you too," he retorted. I blushed, although my back was to him.

"Gods damn it," I muttered under my breath as I pushed through the door.

I walked past Declan's house. Another lie, but it had to be done.

A man in blood mage armor was out in front of the pagoda, tossing numerous zombie corpses into a fire above an alter. When he turned to face me I saw the face of someone younger than I expected framed in the armor. Tucker? Why had it surprised me that it was him?

Had I been expecting Jeriah? Something about the whole scene looked familliar.

"You look confused," Tucker said.

"Yeah I... I think I expected you to be Sir Jeriah."

"Interesting," he thought aloud. "Is that a good thing? Maybe you're getting your memory back."

"Yeah..." I said, though I was not sure. "Anyways, where is Guard Tom?"

Tucker looked surprised, but pulled out a map and pointed to a small building that had been penciled in over a mountain. "We left him at this guard outpost. Why?"

"He works for Mianite," I said. "Miante seems to want me to do something, but I don't know what. I don't think he counted on me losing my memory."

"Interesting," Tucker said. "Well I haven't heard anything about it, so I guess talking with him is worth a shot. Let me come with you though; I don't want him trying anything."

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