The Birth of Third Jinchuriki

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Namikaze Minato prayed desperately for his plea of help to be noticed. He rapidly made his way to the Konoha in order to stop the destruction the Nine-Tailed Beast would bring to the village.

He needed to protect his village, even if it meant leaving his dying wife and his lovely little newborn Naruto.

As he sprinted towards his devastated home, he prayed and prayed desperately for aid. He would die in peace knowing that his little Naruto was in good hands.

The following events were a hopeless blur. The only thing Minato remembered with stark clarity was the fact that he had sealed the Nine-Tailed Beast inside his baby.

His poor, little innocent Naruto who had no way of knowing what future awaited him if he was to live in this village.

Minato collapsed helplessly after he sealed the Yin portion of the Nine-Tailed Beast with himself. He breathed raggedly, awaiting his impending doom with despairing memories of happiness and exhaustion.

His beloved Kushina, his child's mother. His dear and only remaining teammate, Hatake Kakashi, his friends, everyone haunted his dying mind.

His beautiful baby, the little child, the innocent and helpless Jinchuriki who was to become an orphan the very day he was born.

Despite Minato's impending death, he found himself hoping against hope for his friend to come.

The only person he would be able to entrust his child to.

Lysander Ashford.

Minato took shallow breaths as he felt the once bright hope being stripped from him, slipping through his feeble fingers as he watched his asleep child blissfully unaware of the horror awaiting him.

Minato closed his eyes, Tobi's frighteningly delighted cackle ringing in his ears like a mortifying curse.

—— Only for it to stopped all too suddenly followed by a deafening blast.

Minato felt the air around himself thinning as it blew on his grime ridden face. Laboriously, he lifted his heavy eyelids, inexplicable seed of hope sprouting in his chest.

He had come, he was here, he has arrived.

Lysander Ashford was here!

Minato blinked in an attempt to clear his blurring vision and saw a dark sillouhette of a male against the fiery flames of explosion.

The sillouhette approached him step by step, as the distance between the newly arrived male and Minato's collapsed dying person, the latter's heart thundered against his chest in hope.

Hope for his child to live a normal life, rather than the one he would be condemned to after tonight.

The newly arrived man's icy blond hair blew along with the wind billowing his splendidlgy pristine white cassock.

His hair stuck against his face as he stared down at Minato with pity and unconcealed pain in his eyes. Gently, the man fell to his knees by Minato's head.

Gingerly, he put the latter's head on his lap, then he whispered in a pained voice.

“Oh, Minato.“ He whispered tremblingly. Minato mustered up a feeble smile and grunted the name like a sacred chant.


“Minato,” he whispered again, unshed tears shining like pearls in his grey eyes. “I'm sorry, oh Gods, if only I had arrived sooner.“ Lysander gasped. “You, Kushina and, and... Oh lords, where is your child, Minato?!“

Minato chuckled trembling as he lifted his hand towards his son. Lysander's head snapped to the direction he pointed and gasped.

“It's a son?“ Lysander grinned, tears finally falling like beads of rain. Minato nodded with a delighted smile.

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