8: Shooting Stars; fading light

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Uchiha Shisui was as much of a pacifist as his best friend Itachi was. He, too, abhorred the consequences brought by war.

So how could he possibly sit back and watch as his very clan decided to do a coup d'etat against the village he held dear?

He was worried because not only would it implicate the innocent Uchiha children but also Naruto, the friend he held dear despite knowing him for a very little time.

He went directly to The Lord Third and proposed to cast a genjutsu on Uchiha Fugaku and the clan elders.

His plan was approved by the old man. However, the creater of ANBU ROOT Shimura Danzo decided that it was too much at stake. So, it was better to kill of the entire clan.

Shisui didn't want that.

He did not want a war. But more than that, he wanted his clan, his kinsmen to be happy and have their lost honour back.

Thus, the moment he caught a whiff of Danzo's nefarious scheme, he decided to act.

Uchiha Shisui had ran to the place where he had asked Itachi to meet him with all his might and at the fastest speed he could muster up.

As his heart thundered against his chest, Shisui prayed desperately to not encounter any obstacles on his way.

He had to reach to Itachi before something could go wrong.

He had to do it!

Shisui ran faster and faster than he ever had, the green leaves rushing past him as he zoomed through the forest in the dark.

His own footsteps seemed too loud to his own ears. The odd stillness of the forest drilling through his entire being.

He was feeling unsafe, surrounded by unknown dangers. He was feeling paranoid as he sprinted with all he had.

He had to reach Itachi, he had to let his best friend know what awaited them——

Shisui shouldn't have lowered his gaurds.

He should never have.

His thoughts roamed around Itachi, around his family and around Naruto.

If he were to die, would Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto be able to handle Itachi?

So far, the blond boy had done a phenomenal job in handling both Itachi as well as Sasuke. Maybe he would be able to heal Itachi from what was to happen tonight.

Shisui would have preferred to live through this ordeal and watch his best friend — who was like a brother to him — grow out of his shell.

However, it seemed that he would not be able to fulfill this wish of his.

Shisui was ambushed on his way to the meeting place. He was caught by surprise by the onslaught of merciless attacks from the ROOT members.

Their every attack was aimed to take his life.

And not just his life. But his eyes as well.

Shisui cursed as he fended off the attacks aimed at his eyes, only to leave an opening for another ROOT member to attack him.

And that was it.

A fucking poision was injected into his body. As the poison's effect slowly kicked in, Shisui fought the all he had.

He was desperate. A beast in his own right. A dying beast cornered to his death who wouldn't hesitate to kill.

Shisui slashed one of the ninjas into two as he ran past the ambush only to be brought to his knees by a sword that stabbed right through his midriff.

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