trapped at the killer house Hidedout- chapter 17

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Bailey Pov

At the Kathy house trap in the killer house trying to escape but the key doesn't work and i put the key back where i found it and left to the basement and throw to the crib of the bed to the window until kacey voice and said did you heard that and my dad voice and he respond no i did not heard that it's probably were rats and i left the basement and the killers house as i walk more but kathy house have some secrets like a hidden forest which in my mind her parents left to a business trip butt a was a excuse to have my father in her room with him all to herself without her parents question about her man problems and they were killed by kathy and i didn't left to my house i went straight to the forest to do my own investigation bc something tells me to go check out the forest and know that my mother and my twin sister bexley somewhere in the forest and calling out for help and so i decided not to go home and go check out what i would find as i was walking to the forest outta no where i saw two phones still working and they both turned on and have abit blood on it and like if someone was trying to call a police and the phones were somehow smashed and the abit of blood was probablby theirs when they try to called for help and they accindeatly cut themselves down to the forest but also like someone also help them kept them quite so they wouldn't get killed and those have to be my mother and twin sister bexley and my dad was the one who kinda help them and survived from kathy who try to killed without any though i slipped the two phones and place them in my purse that my boyfriend Axel gave me after forgiving him for his outburst and got back together and though if found their phones which i could find some kinda and things that they were confimer still alive not dead and i think any other thought and clam my purse with me and left to find more things and to know they not dead and they still alive and so without any recreation and i went more to the far and saw a note and it read and if you dare to find out the path that your mother and twin sister are still not dead and i suggest get more closer to the forest and find out more secret items so you could be 100 % sure they are not dead and still alive as i walk more to the forest without no fear of the danger i am might unfold and as i got closer and i saw little lipstick and that my sister favorite lip gloss it was coconut blast lip gloss and it was her favorite sent and for the other item i found my mom and lucky favorite flower that she always carry around her glasses and so me and my family could be lucky safe and to the other side and found bexley path of her blue bead that was part of the flower and the locket and me and bexley love beads and we always put beads on her locket charm necklace and saw the beads that were on the floor as keep picking the beads all the way and place them in my purse and outta normal little thing sprinkle in my eyes was my mother wedding ring and when my dad and her got married and in my head and how did all this things here in the hidden forest so nobody could suspect to come here 

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