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Brooklyn Harper
Manhattan, New York

My alarm went off and I had to get up because me and Jay were the only reasonable ones that went to sleep early. "Jay get up", I said softly while shaking him. "Ok ok I'm up", Jay mumbled sitting up. "I'll be back", I said going to my bedroom door. "Put some pants on", Jay said. I picked up some random sweatpants I found on the floor and put them on then I left out.

I walked in the guest room were Asia & ddot was and I turned on the lights. "Get up or I'll make y'all", I said leaving out of the room. I then went into the living turning on every light. "dd & Jstar getting up before I yank y'all off of the couch", I said leaving the living room. "EVERYONE BE READY TO GO IN 30 MINUTES", I yelled going back into my room.

I went into my bathroom and started brushing my teeth. Jay came into the bathroom and wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head in my neck. I quickly finished getting ready and then I went into my closet. "You have my sweatpants on and I need them", Jay said. I looked down and did have his sweatpants on, idk how i didn't notice this before. I took the pants off and give them to him, He put them on while I put my sweatsuit on.

"I need a ginger shot, can you bring my suitcase in the living room when your done", I asked Jay. "Yea I got you", Jay said. I walked out of my room and went into the kitchen. Surprisingly everybody was ready to go, I went into the refrigerator and grabbed one of the ginger shots. I took the ginger shot and then I walked in the living room. "Yo why did you have to wake us up so early", dd said. "I told y'all last night that I was waking y'all up early, but you didn't listen instead you was up late", I said.

Jay came in the living room with my suitcase and his, I put my purse on and grabbed my house keys. "I hate you so much", dd said half sleep. "You love me", I said giving home a kiss on his forehead. "Now let's go because our ride is outside", I said grabbing dd arm forcing him to get up.

I had to get my f uncle to drive us because I damn sure wasn't going to drive. "Hii uncle", I said getting in the truck. "You lucky you're my favorite niece because I'm never doing this again", My uncle said. "I'm your only niece", I said. "Exactly", He said. "Oh well this is Jstar, dd, ddot, you know Asia and My boyfriend Jay", I said. "Boyfriend, we'll talk about that when you get back home", he said.

"I love you I'll call you when we land", I told my uncle. "Love you too", My uncle said driving off. I looked at the time and saw that it was 3:00am and our flight was at 3:30am. "Oh shit, we gotta go", I said. "It's your fault we're going be late", Ddot said. I slapped him in the back of his head, We started walked to check in.
*Time Skip because I'm lazy*

Brooklyn Harper

We made it to Jamaica and I'm so hyped rn, meanwhile everyone else was jet legged. I saw something on Dejahs story so I texted her.

Brooklyn Butt😍
Hey was your boyfriends name?

When i tell you don't get mad

Brooklyn Butt😍
No promises, now tell me

Marcus Thomas

Brooklyn Butt😍
Marcus Thomas, as in my ex boyfriend who abused and cheated on me

I know I'm sorry, but also I may or may not was the girl he cheated on you with

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