Chapter one

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NICOLAI KENNETH HAD GAINED A GYMNASIUM AT THE AGE OF TWENTY-ONE. His mother had signed the gym away to him in her will. His father had wanted nothing to do with it. So, when Nicolai turned twenty-one, his father had told him his mother left the gymnasium to him, he could keep it running, or sell it.

Nicolai had been on his way to the gym, when he paused at seeing what seemed a man, his age, standing in front of the doors. He glanced down at his watch. "Hey, the gym opens at-" he stopped when the person turned around, a familiar face and the bright matching smile.

"Peter!" Nicolai yells in shock.

He hasn't expected to see the other. He never did he was coming back into town.

Peter continued to smile brightly, walking over  to the slightly taller one and wrapping him into a hug. Immediately, Nicolai returned the hug. "Why didn't you say anything? I'd have closed the gym has I known you were going to be back in town."

"Because if I told you, that would ruin the surprise. Could we meet up later? I need to talk to something with Nathan first."

Nicolai nodded. "Yes, of course, just text me the number."

Nicolai went into the building, texting one of his most trusted employees that he would be out, a last minute delay he hasn't seen coming. He told the woman to open up the gym, she typically was only thirty minutes behind him.
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He had stayed as long as he could before leaving.  Peter had immediately met him at his door. "Nathan won't listen to me." 

"What a shocker there, your older brother, won't listen to you, the younger brother?" Cole sarcastically replied.

Peter sarcastically laughed. "Very funny. What's your excuse to not listening to me?"

"You talk more than I can listen," Cole smirked, then gently shouldered him. "Look, I'm kidding. Come on, tell me what's wrong."

"I keep having this dream. I'm on the top of a building and I'm either falling flying. Sometimes you or Nathan are there." Peter says.

Cole hums. "Okay. So, it could mean a few things. Like, you falling could mean you lack confidence in your ability, a lack of security, real or imagined.  You're scared of being dropped by your friends or family. That's explanation one of the falling. There's three. The second explanation..." he paused as he recalled the second one.  "Basically you surrendering to a moral failure, fearing that you aren't as you should be. And the last one of falling is; you feel you are slipping away, losing your place in a certain situation, that's because of other's negative influences."

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