1. Home (4)

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Even in the ruined world, people were walking down the street, decorating themselves in their own ways and laughing. Signs hanging from the shops on both sides of the street were emphasizing themselves.

In an era where everything was scarce, there were shops and cafes selling desserts, which are rare but luxurious items, and there was also a clothing store displaying pure white dresses.

"Humans are creatures of adaptation," Kryuger muttered as he looked out the window.

"When I saw shops selling luxuries and luxury items that I thought had disappeared, this word came to my mind first."

Trevor nodded in affirmation at his words. The first thing the survivors, who left their hometowns and settled on a new planet, adapted to the barren environment and could afford, was a leisure facility.

Having created not only a dessert shop, but also a movie theater, golf club, karaoke bar, arcade, aquarium, ski resort, and even a nightclub, the saying that humans are creatures of adaptation touched Trevor greatly.

The vehicle stopped in front of an old building located deep in the downtown area. It was a complex building with a shopping mall on the first floor and apartments on the rest.

Kryuger, Trevor, and Helianthus entered the dilapidated restaurant in the corner of the building.

The old sign in the restaurant had RUM written nicely on it. There were no customers inside the store. Only a middle-aged man who seems to be the owner is guarding the counter.

"Could you prepare three of the usual meals and a glass of vodka?"

Kryuger placed his order and headed for a table in the far corner of the shop. The owner put a CLOSED sign on the door, locked it, and went into the kitchen.

"That friend is a friend I fought with when I was in the military. He's someone I can trust."

Kryuger took out a machine the size of his palm from his chest and started operating it. He said as he placed the machine on the table, which vibrated and blinked the built-in LED.

"This is an anti-eavesdropping device. It was officially adopted by the regular army."

He was silent for a moment. A still silence fell over the table. Only the sound of the anti-eavesdropping device and the sound of the boat touched the silence and left.

After a while, Kryuger opened his mouth.

"First of all, I'd like to apologize to you. We did background checks on people interviewing. We had to make sure they were trustworthy and that there was nothing suspicious about them."

Trevor nodded, understanding him. Perhaps in the circumstances of the last days, that would be the best.

"...And when I received the information that investigated you, I doubted my eyes. As soon as I heard that a bright soldier who had taken an elite officer course applied to our company, I considered it really lucky."

He quenched his thirst with water and continued.

"But after waiting for a while, I began to have doubts. There must be a lot of places that call for such talented people with better conditions, but why did you apply to our company, where there is a high possibility of death during missions?"

He paused for a moment and looked at Trevor.

"Your profile is perfect. All of our private detective and government connections have vouched for your existence.

However, my intuition tells me that you maybe have relationship with Sangvis Ferri."

He then handed over the file Helian had.

"That's something you might be curious about."

Then, the owner brought the cart.

"...Let's have a meal first."


VSA Central Operation Command.

While the dinner was in progress, numerous nanomachines floated around Trevor and filmed the surroundings, and they were transmitted to the ISA Valkyrie.

The huge screen that occupied one side of the sector showed Trevor's surroundings.

"Human intuition is scary. I thought we were perfectly prepared..." said one of the officer.

"Well, aren't there studies that show that 80% of human intuition is correct?"

"I remember that intuition and this intuition as different things."

When it seemed that the conversation would take a different direction, One of the intelligence brought up the subject.

"The important thing now is what to do now."

"I think it's good to revise the plan. I wonder if it's okay if only Origins doesn't know about it."

"...Okay, then we'll revise the plan, give them the right amount of information and enlist the collaborators."

On the spot, a new set of guidelines for Trevor's conduct was set and delivered to him.

As the meal was almost over, he popped up a mail window on his cornea display as a military mail alert popped up in the corner of his vision.

After confirming the changed action guidelines, mission details, and additional reinforcements, he put down the tableware.  When Kryuger and Helian finished eating, Kryuger spoke to Trevor.

"If what I said was just a delusion, I apologize right here. And I recommend reading that file, as it shows the situation in your area."

Kryuger spoke to Trevor, emphasizing help.  It was to appeal that even if you can't hear the truth now, you can always tell it.

"...Okay, then I guess I have to tell you now."

Trevor held out his hand to Kryuger. Soon, a card was formed at his fingertips. Kryuger accepted the card as calmly as possible.

"ISA... Alpha Centauri...?"

Helian's shaking voice leaked out.

She was confused by the unfamiliar name of the organization and the word that might appear in a sci-fi movie. Even so, the scene just before seemed too real to be dismissed as nonsense or a joke.

Above all, the card is a very thin display if you look closely. The technology to create these electronic devices on the fly in the hands of humans made everything convincing.

Kryuger, who outlived Helian by more than 20 years, was confused in other ways.

Before the Beilan Island incident that changed the world in the past, when he was in his 20s, a corporate alliance formed by large and small corporations that made the world buzz.

An organization that has enthralled Sci Fi fans around the world by using the technology of the ruins alone to succeed in space exploration while other countries possessing the ruins competitively make weapons with the technology found in the ruins.

And an organization that was destroyed in an instant due to the Beilan Island incident, buried in chaos, and forgotten by people.

Such an organization had suddenly resurrected and appeared before his eyes.

However, it was not an impossible story.

The space exploration he knew could not have been naively disclosed by the ISA to the extent that a factory was built on the moon and a resource mining base was built in the asteroid belt.

Kryuger grasped his shaking heart as he looked at Helian with a blank face. 

There was still too much he didn't know about his opponent. He had to get as much information as possible. Fortunately, the other side was willing to provide information.

"...This place doesn't seem appropriate for a conversation," Kruger said quietly.

They headed to the G&K headquarters for a more serious conversation.

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