3: New Enemies (3)

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Destroyer answered Trevor's question with one word and then closed his mouth. He checked the radar displayed on the situation board.

No boss-level dolls were detected among the troops currently flocking in. If his predictions and intuition are correct, the case held by the Destroyer will most likely be a 'weapon using Origin's technology' or a 'Petrusite weapon handed down by Curtis.'

Among their technologies is 'Hyper Stealth', which completely deceives radar waves.

To be sure of the probability, he or Diana needed to personally check the items in that case. He could snipe her and secure her items, but not only was there a chance that sniping would fail, but she could become an important witness, so it was better to secure them as intact as possible.

"...Okay, I'll go there."

The command, shocked by his decision, reacted like a bomb exploded.

"Commander, are you crazy?!"

"Are you out of your mind? You're going to die on your own feet!"

It seemed like they were trying to tie him up. Since they had already lost the commander once, they were even more sensitive to Trevor's safety.

"Even if she made that offer targeting me, she has already thrown away her weapon. And, doesn't everyone know my fighting skills?"

"But still-"

"This is an order from the commander. I will be face to face with the Destroyer, so prepare to respond to the approaching forces of Sangvis and the being called 'Sister'."

For T-Doll and all soldiers, the commander's orders during operations were absolute, even if it meant throwing them into a minefield.

"....Understood, Commander."

Even though they couldn't change Trevor's mind, they had to do their best to ensure his safety.

"The dolls in my command don't trust you. I'm also worried about the Sangvis troops chasing you and your 'sister'. So, can you come to the location we've designated?"

Trevor sent the location to Destroyer.

[Then, do whatever you want. I don't care.]

As soon as she confirmed the location of the place, she started walking. At the same time, the command post also started to get busy.

They had to track/monitor the moving Destroyer, respond to the incoming Sangvis forces, and ensure Trevor's safety.

Trevor left the command center to prepare to meet the Destroyer. Armored vehicles and T-Dolls surrounded the location he chose and formed a defensive line. 

At this level, the visible Sangvis army could be easily eliminated. But variables are everywhere. There was a need to prepare for Destroyer's 'older sister'.

If there were no variables, the troops stationed here would be sufficient. But if his predictions are correct, he or Lieutenant Cross will have to deal with that variable.


S02 The 4th Abandoned City B Central Park.

1:30 PM Moscow time.

The sky was covered with clouds and turned gray.

Sunlight passed through a thick layer of clouds that seemed to block the ground and sky and illuminated the ashes of the city.

The flower beds in the lonely city square were empty, with no trees or even weeds growing due to soil pollution and climate change.

And there, the Dolls following Trevor were installing makeshift covers at the fountain. Numerous T-Dolls, including snipers, were deployed in surrounding buildings that seemed to overlook the square, and a defense line was being created around the river surrounding the outskirts of the city.

[Target is approaching. Alpha, ready.]

[Bravo, Ready.]

[Charlie, Ready.]

Before the sniper team's report was even finished, the target Trevor had been waiting for appeared in sight. Sangvis' doll, in the form of a small girl, was walking with a case on her back that was twice her size.

The muzzles of snipers, the main guns of IFVs, and numerous dolls were aimed at the Destroyer, but she paid no attention and entered the square.

A situation where an SF boss doll and a G&K commander are standing facing each other at a distance of less than 5 feet. Just as the tension hanging over the square was about to break, Trevor opened his mouth first.

"What do you have to show me?"

Destroyer placed the large case on his back on the ground and unlocked it.

"Check it yourself."

When the case was opened, what was revealed was a fairly large black heavy weapon that looked like a grenade launcher.

However, it looks different from a typical grenade launcher. Aside from its size, the three long pillars took the shape of a triangle. It seemed more appropriate to call it a railgun-type heavy weapon rather than a grenade launcher.

'Bingo, I think I've finally found it.'

Trevor looked back at Diana, who was sharing his view.

[It seems correct.]

Although it has not been disassembled yet, looking at its form, it appears to be either a Helghast-made Petrusite or a weapon incorporating Origin's technology.

"Okay, you said you wanted to make a deal, right? Tell me what you want."

In response to Trevor's words, Destroyer spoke without any hesitation.

"I want to surrender to you."

The dolls listening to the conversation had questions.

"What does that mean?"

"Is she in love with him?"

At first glance, it seemed like an absurd sound, and the tension that seemed to be about to break was soon loosened. Destroyer glared at the dolls and said.

"I'm not saying I'm going to surrender to G&K, I'm going to surrender to you Trevor and the forces behind!

And I'm not in love! Stop talking nonsense!"

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