3: New Enemies (2)

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S02 Area, 4th temporary base

[...? Target is approaching with both hands up.]


A bewildered voice from the IWS, who led the sniper team on a surveillance mission outside the base, rang the communication network, and a stir broke out in the tense command.

Upon learning that the Sangvis' boss-level doll was approaching at high speed, the command team hurriedly entered a defensive posture.

The base they will now occupy was not just a supply base, but an important point.

It was a forward base for the invasion of S02 from the perspective of the Sangvis, and at the same time responsible for the supply of the primary defensive line of the main invasion base called the headquarters.

From the G&K's point of view, occupying it was an important point that blocked the main supply lines in the S02 area and allowed them to attack the main invading base in the future.

Of course, even if some holes are made in the defense line, it will not be able to inflict a decisive blow. This is because it is obvious that Sangvis' power will be concentrated in earnest to replenish the breached defense line and check the integrated base that shows enormous power.

And that was exactly what the integrated base was aiming for. The ultimate goal was to crush the concentrated Sangvis forces, weaken their power, and take advantage of this opportunity to drive out the enemy in the S02 area.

To achieve this goal, it was necessary to first awaken the awareness of Sangvis, so more than half of the vehicles and troops of the integrated base force were mobilized for this operation.

Therefore, under the general staff's judgment that it would be safer to be with the main forces rather than at a weakened base, Trevor was able to come to the scene in a mobile command vehicle.

"Why didn't we discover earlier? The radar was working normally..."

One of the staff muttered. This was a common question among all dolls in the temporary command center because the performance of the radar that came as support was far superior to the radar used by the G&K and the Neo-Soviet regular army.

However, the radar, which can detect small drones from 30 miles away, could not even detect a boss-class Sangvis doll until it approached within a mile and a half.

It could not be explained as a failure of the radar because a large force approaching from 28 miles away was being detected.

[The model of Sangvis' boss-class doll has been confirmed. The model is a Destroyer.]

The nervous voice of the IWS was transmitted to the command center through the communication network.

"What is the sniper team deployment status?"

"Bravo and Charlie teams are currently aiming."

"...Get the mortar squad ready."

A total of 10 snipers, 5 per team, were targeting the Destroyer. Trevor, who had a mortar unit on standby just in case, decided to recommend Destroyer to surrender.


"Ha? A recommendation to surrender? And international law? She's not human..."

IWS sighed and controlled the surveillance camera. She didn't like the orders she received from her command.

The target to whom she must now advise surrender is none other than Sangvis' boss-class doll. Just hearing the S in Sangvis makes her grind her teeth, so why should she ask for humane treatment by international law?

However, an order is an order, so he sent the deployed drone towards the Destroyer.

[Destroyer, you are surrounded. Disarm and surrender. You will be treated by international law. We even brought pizza.]

IWS's voice was broadcast from speakers mounted on the drone. Destroyer stopped for a moment and stared at the drone, seemed to think for a moment, and then opened her mouth.

"I, Destroyer, would like to meet the commander of S02 Integrated Base ."

She released the belt holding the grenade launcher, melee dagger, and explosives and threw them to the ground.

"These are my terms of surrender."


"This must be a trap! You must not comply with her demands!"

"She might use conversation as an excuse to provoke a melee. That would make it difficult for us to assist."

"Please give the order to fire immediately!"

The dolls in command asked Trevor to ignore her demands.

"...Can you connect my microphone to that drone first? I need to have a conversation."

At Trevor's words, the operator connected his microphone to the drone.

"Destroyer? Nice to meet you. I am Trevor Reznik, commander of S02 Integrated Base. As you may already know, you are surrounded. And you wanted to meet with me? Can you tell me what the purpose is?"

[I want to make a deal with you.]

 "...A deal?"

Trevor continued his conversation, ignoring the attention of the dolls in the command center focused on him.

"What deal do you want to make?"

[...I can't say that now. Never until I meet you face to face and hear your affirmation. But... just to give you a hint...]

Destroyer held up the large case she was carrying in front of the drone's camera lens.

[All I can say is that there is something in it that you might interested in. You can see it with your own eyes and exchange it if you like it. This is what I want.]

Trevor was interested in Destroyer's answer.

[And since there is no time, please decide quickly. I don't want to touch this thing, and I don't want to fight anymore. Above all, there is a high possibility that she is already chasing me.]

"Chasing? Who?"

[...My older sister.]

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