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Some pretty simple rules & guidelines, as long as they're followed everything should go just peachy. 😁


1.) Tagging
I'm not too picky about tagging, just don't overdo it please. Once a day (unless stated otherwise in announcements) is fine.

2.) Individual, Not Group
This book is an individual roleplay, not a group one. Everyone (unless stated otherwise) will have their own tabs, so don't disturb others tabs unless stated otherwise.

3.) No one-liners please.
Try to make your replies as descriptive as possible. Definitely makes it more fun as well. A good guideline would be around 5+ lines for each reply, with a minimum of 3 lines per reply. Obviously I know it may fall at times and that's fine, but please just don't make it every reply.

4.) Keep it fair.
Going off the previous rule, try to keep both sides of the reply fair (my side and your side). An occasional line or two difference won't be a huge deal, but don't write like 3 paragraphs for one side and 4 sentences for the other. Just try to make them more even. Understandably there may be times where one chain is more interesting, but don't make it a constant thing.

5.) Be Nice.
Everyone has so much going on in their lives that we may or may not know. Let's just try to be nice to each other and ourselves here.

6.) Keeping it Fresh.
If you have any ideas or suggestions for the roleplays, the book, new scenarios, etc. Please don't hesitate to bring them up.

7.) Password
The password is to vote and comment on this chapter (rules chapter) and your favorite song. I need suggestions lol. Please only comment it here.

8.) Talking Outside of RPs
If you want to mention something to me in your reply please try to separate it from the roleplay using brackets or some other method to prevent confusion.

9.) PMs.
I swear I try to check my PMs as much as possible, but I do forget at times. So some roleplays may be forgotten there. If this happens tag me or let me know.

10.) Two Sides
The roleplay will consist of two sides, mine and yours. While I'm okay with our OCs sharing parents, keep it fair so I'm not the only one playing the parent. If my OC is with the parent, take over for the parent.

11.) Have fun!
That's what the book is for. 😁 Just please try to follow all the rules and this will be fun for everyone.

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