A Brewing Storm

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Y/n : First name

L/n: Last name

S/n: Sister's name

B/n: Brother's name

Quirk: Storm Cell- You have the ability to gather the electricity from the air and expel it from yourself in proportion to the amount you gathered, as well as lower the temperature around you to near freezing degrees. With enough energy and concentration you can create a small thunderstorm around yourself.


I've always had a hard time fitting in with the other kids. When my quirk developed in preschool I thought it was the coolest thing ever, until I began to shock the other kids whenever we would play together. They would also tell me it was always too cold whenever they were around me. I tried my best to learn how to control it, but I never could, at least not in a way that mattered. When I applied to U.A. I started to train it and I learned how to control it in big quantities and I can create storms basically whenever I want, but I still can't control the small stuff. My body always seems to subtly gather static electricity so I would shock people whenever I would touch them. And without thinking about it I would lower the temperature around me and if someone touched me they said it was like touching a metal pole in the dead of winter. For these reason I started wearing leather gloves lined with rubber to absorb the electricity and jackets all year round in hopes my quirk would regulate just my temperature and not the air around me. My hope is that getting into U.A. will help me figure out how to better control my quirk so I can use it and prove to everyone that even a nuisance like me can be a hero.

Third Person POV

"Y/n its time to get up! If you don't you're gonna miss your Entrance Exam!" S/n shouted from downstairs. Y/n was sleeping soundly with a pillow over his head as it appears that he forgot to change the batteries in his alarm clock. S/n not wanting her baby brother to be late marched up to his room and opened his door to find that very sight. She gives a heavy sigh and uses her quirk to spark the clock back to life as it starts playing a very loud metal song that Y/n appears to have made his alarm in an effort to keep him from sleeping in. Within seconds of the music playing Y/n fell out of bed with his long sky blue hair draped completely over his face. S/n glared slightly at her newly awoken brother with a tap to her foot, "You're lucky I love you or I would have let you completely miss the exam. Now start getting ready, breakfast is already ready. Once you and B/n finish eating he'll take you to school before he heads off to Uni." Y/n brushed his hair out of his face as his pale blue eyes shone with morning light, "Thanks sis, sorry I forgot again. I'll make it up by acing the entrance exam!" The small grimace S/n held as she looked at her youngest brother faded as it turned into a small smile as she looked into his eyes that reminded her of their mothers. "I'm counting on it, now go get dressed! I'm leaving for work shortly after you guys head to school."


I rushed to throw on some respectable clothes for the writing portion of the exam and threw some black joggers and a plain yellow shirt in my backpack for the physical portion. I rushed downstairs to get breakfast and saw my older brother, B/n making some coffee to take to class. "Mornin' kiddo, thought you were gonna sleep all day." He said with an endearing sneer that only an older brother could give. "Yeah thankfully one of you had the decency to wake me up." I responded with own little attitude. He responded by turning my juice into a solid block of ice. Real mature. My sister got an electric quirk and my brother got an ice quirk and I somehow ended up with a combination of the two but they are still both leagues better than me at using them. But I'm going to change that. 

I finished my breakfast and grabbed my stuff telling B/n that I was ready to go. S/n hugged me as we were heading out the door and wished me luck. She's really the only person I can touch without shocking them. And my brother is one of the only people I can be around that isn't uncomfortable with the lower temperature. But maybe I'll find people with quirks like mine at this school, it is a hero school after all. They must have all different types of quirks there. Yeah! I bet I'll meet the coolest people, I psyched now!

B/n drops me off and throws his arm around me, "Alright remember all the studying we did over summer break, and if you see or meet anyone that gives you dirty looks don't pay any mind to them. Focus on what you're here for, because if waste their energy judging people they don't even know then they have no chance at being heroes. You got this little bro." As he holds out his other hand for a fist bump, I put on my gloves and return the favor. "Alright now go make us proud." I give him an affirming nod and make my way out of the car and up the stairs to the school's archway. 

Third Person POV

As Y/n makes his way up the stairs and to the arch he doesn't notice that in all the excitement he has started an energy build up. Every now and then a few small sparks would fly off of him. As he makes it to the top of the stairs he now sees the large H shaped building that is the U.A. high school halls. He stands there and marvels at them for just a moment before affirming to himself, "I'm finally here, and I'm not going to let it be the only time I'm here." He quickly begins sprinting to make his way towards the examination hall, but as his excitement seemed to get the better of him he didn't watch where he was going to abruptly bumped into another student. A boy with spiked yellow hair with a black streak running through it that resembled a lightning bolt. Y/n reached a hand out to the blonde haired boy and apologized encouragingly, "Oh shit I'm so sorry! I got really excited and wasn't looking where I was going!" The boy takes Y/n's hand and brushes himself off, "No worries man, no harm no foul I suppose. Just try to keep a better eye out I suppose." Y/n nodded before rushing off again, "Will do, see ya later! Sorry again!" He shouted as he ran to the exam hall. Little did Y/n know, it appears that the static he built up had been discharged. 

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