The Apprehension Test

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Did I just hear him right, he said that person with the lowest score is being expelled from U.A.?? This can't be real right, he can't just kick someone out of the school like that after we all worked so hard to get in right? "If any of you think that I'm lying then you're free to. But I will tell you that I have done this before and I'm not about to stop now. Think that I'm cruel all you want but if I don't think you have what it takes to make it as a hero I'm just saving you pain of trying and failing." Aizawa told us with what I can't tell is either sincerity or annoyance. I looked around to see how everyone else was feeling and most of them were just as stunned as I was. The green haired boy, Midoriya looked like he was about to pass out, Bakugo looked self assured like he couldn't lose, and then I looked to Kaminari. I guess I still felt bad about what I said to him earlier but, he also looked scared. Not as scared as Midoriya, I don't think anyone is as scared as Midoriya, but nonetheless he looked really jarred and for a second I felt something. For a moment it felt like, I would miss him if he weren't here. Before I could read too much more into that feeling I saw his eyes meet mine and I looked away as quickly as I could. Shit how long had I been staring at him.

50 Meter Dash

First up was the 50 Meter Dash. I've seen electric quirks that can enhance the user's speed or power but mine wasn't like that. All I can do is build up the energy and discharge it with a degree of accuracy. I figured now was as good a time as any to try thought. I tried to focus on any energy that I had built up and circulate it through my body. I think it might have done something because I managed to clear the dash in just above 6 seconds. Other people who didn't have quirks that were useful for this test cleared the dash in around 7 seconds. I might have a shot at not coming in last.

Grip Strength

Next was grip strength. My brother and sister taught me that the more physically strong your body is the better it can withstand the strain of your quirk. So I did my best to stay in shape. Again my quirk couldn't really help with this test, but maybe if I apply the same idea from last time it might work. I was able to output about 68 Kilos. I think it might have worked again since some of the other boys were only outputting around 56-60 Kilos. I think I'm starting to get the hang of this.

Standing Long Jump

Why do they keep doing tests that my quirk isn't useful for uuuugggghhh. Alright, same idea different test. This time I tried to gather and focus just a bit more energy. It didn't work out as well as the last two did, I don't think at least. I fell just short of the end of the sandbox. Hopefully I'm not on the lowest end of this curve.

Repeated Side Steps

No one really excelled at this one except that small purple kid, Mineta I think. Whatever those balls are I pray they never touch me.

Ball Throw

Alright this is the last test. Everything is riding on this. If I can't show an outstanding performance here I'm sure I'm toast. After the cute girl with the dimples, who I now know as Uraraka threw the ball into the stratosphere, no big deal, it was my turn. The nerves were starting to get the better of me, I felt the sweat starting to roll down my cheek and my lip quiver. I felt like I was going to cry, if I fuck up here then its all over. I tried to push past those feelings and concentrate on what I had done only a few times before. What makes me different from my brother and sister with my quirk is not only that I have both Ice and Electricity, but I can use both of them at the same time. I took a deep breath and started to focus. I felt the air around me, every particle of energy there was, and I began to draw it towards me. At the same time I felt the temperature start to fall around me, 1 degree at a time, until the two began to work in concert.

Drawing in the energy around me caused a pressure to build around me that made the air start to swirl. Soon enough the clouds began to darken as the energy from the sky was starting to pull towards me as well. Lastly the air began to whip into a frenzy like a storm, a localized and moving storm. A Storm Cell. I rear back the ball ready to throw with all the energy I could store and trying to direct the air pressure to propel it even further. Moments before I release the ball, it felt like time creeped to a slow as I'm looking at the other students. I don't know why I did. Was I seeking approval? Seeing if any of them were scared that I've been holding this back? Or did I just want one last look at them before I might never get to come back. Whatever the case was, my eyes seemed to land on him again, Kaminari. Why do I keep thinking about him, after what I did he probably wants nothing to do with me anymore. If I do get kicked out, maybe I can at least tell him I'm sorry before I leave. As time begins to slowly return to its normal pace I just see one thing from Kaminari. The nervous grimace he had been carrying this whole time slowly turn into a small smile as he looked at me and I saw him mouth the words 'you can do this'.

My eyes turned back towards the sky, free from any fear that I had and all my power going into this one throw. Within 1 second of that ball leaving my hand, lightning struck me from the sky and all of the energy I took from the space around me was jettisoned into that ball as it propelled from my hand with a resounding thunderous boom. The force of my throw and the gathered air pressure around me caused the stone behind me to crack and break some as the ball flew hundreds of meters from my hand. 989.4 meters to be precise.

I did it, I put everything into that one shot and I made it count. But that was all I could do. Once Aizawa tallied the results all of us waited with baited breath. He revealed the results to the class and my heart was pounding faster than it ever has before as I searched for my name. I felt like I was going to pass out when I saw that I placed only 2 above Midoriya who came in last. It felt like thousands of pounds of weight had been lifted from me. After a minute or two for all of us to finish out collective heart attacks Aizawa revealed that this was all a test to ensure that we gave it our all and that he never had any intention of expelling anyone. I wasn't sure whether to be furious or cry tears of joy, all I know was that I felt exhausted and wanted to go home.

End of the school day

As I'm walking down the steps of the school saying bye the others who pass me I can't help but still feel relieved that none of us got kicked out. Even someone as scary as Bakugo. When I get to the bottom of the steps I feel a hand tap my shoulder, it was Kaminari. I didn't know how to face him after everything so before he could say anything I just blurted out, "Listen I'm really sorry about this morning. It was rude and completely uncalled for and you didn't deserve me taking my frustration out on you like that. I saw what you did for me during the Apprehension Exam and it really helped me so please accept my thanks and my apology!" I had inadvertently shut my eyes and I could feel the redness of my cheeks. My eyes shot open at the sound of Kaminari laughing. "What's so funny!?" Kaminari wipes a tear from his eyes and says, "Its nothing. I just wanted to apologize too. You were right, I should have had a better sense of my surroundings. I hope we really can call it even now." Feels like another weight was just lifted. I just smile and give him a solid nod, "Sure, I'm glad we can truly be friends now Kaminari." He just smiled back at me and I felt my cheeks redden again ever so slightly as he did. "So you waiting for your ride again?" Kaminari asked me. "Oh no, my brother had work after class today so I was on my way to the station." Kaminari smiled again before he asked, "Oh well I was on my way there too, if you wouldn't mind some company that is?" After all the craziness today maybe having someone to talk to would be nice. I agreed to his proposition and we headed to the station together, and for the first time in a really long time, I didn't feel any sparks.

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