A Cold Start

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One week after finishing the entrance exam I received my letter from U.A. B/n came in the house screaming, "Y/N, YOUR LETTER FROM U.A. IS HERE!!!" I felt my stomach drop when he said that, my quirk started going haywire. My sister grabbed my hand to stream the excess energy and my brother put his hands on my shoulders trying to help regulate the chill. I opened the letter and placed the odd metal disk it came with on the table. When I did a projection came from it with the number 1 hero, All Might thanking me for my interest in U.A. My heart felt it was about to leap out of my chest until he said, "My young hero, it is the pleasure of all the faculty here at U.A. as well as myself to welcome you to your new hero academia." Without knowing it the widest smile grew on my face as my brother and sister hug me tightly. I made it. I made it into U.A. High.

Time Skip

All right, its time for my first day at U.A. and I am gonna make it count. As I make my way through the front arches I hear a voice calling my name. It can't be, only one person here knows my name, there is no way he got in. But sure enough running up behind me is Kaminari. "Y/n! Hey man I knew you would make it in too!" There is no way this guy, this kid made it into the best hero school in the country. "Wow no way, you made it in too that's so....great." I respond through gritted teeth trying my hardest not to show my disdain. Kaminari gives me a slight nudge like hes trying to be my friend I guess, "Aww come on man no need to be so cold. Is this still about the practical exam?" As he touches me, my quirk did what it usually does and I felt the slightest discharge and my heart stopped. Now he's going to think I'm trying to hurt him or he's going to find out about me. I turn to say something and he doesn't appear phased by what just happened, did he not notice it? He did unload several thousand volts into that one robot, maybe he doesn't register such small amounts of energy.

Kaminari POV

Was that a shock just now? Was he trying to do something to me? He may seem kind of, distant I guess but he doesn't seem like the mean type. I'm sure he remembers that I have an electricity type quirk too so a small shock like that isn't gonna do anything to me. And from what I remember he was able to take some of my runoff fairly well so he can handle large amounts of volts. Hmm, maybe I'm just overthinking it.


"Well maybe it is. I know it was a faux battle but with a quirk as indiscriminate as yours you can't just be letting loose like that. You need to make sure other people aren't going to get hurt just because you were trying to pass. I'm sure you don't know how it feels to be shocked or electrocuted but for someone without our type of quirk it can hurt!" Memories were starting to come back to mind but I couldn't let myself think about them, not on my first day. As I brought myself back all I saw was Kaminari staring at me, he looked confused and a bit stunned. I wasn't planning on going off on him like that but there's no fixing it now. I grumble, "Fuck, I don't have time for this. I'm going to class, I don't want to be late on our first day." And I walked off, trying my best to keep myself in check, no build up and no frostbite.

I walked to my classroom, I was in class 1-A. I was greeted at the door by a boy with blue hair and glasses. He extended his hand to me, "Hello my name is Tenya Iida, it is a pleasure to meet you fellow classmate." Finally someone with more maturity, even if he is a little stiff. "It's nice to meet you Iida, I'm Y/n L/n. You can just use my first name." I walk in and take my seat and take stock of my classmates. I see a guy with a crow head, a girl with pink skin and antennae(?), a guy with spiky red hair, another spiky haired blonde that doesn't seem to know anything other than angry, and several others. I hear a commotion by the door that seemed to be talking about the kid who took down that huge 0 pointer in the practical exam. When I listen closer it looks like they're talking about the green haired kid that just walked in. He's the one who took down that monster? I bet even if Kaminari and I used our quirks together we couldn't take that thing down.... Shit why am I thinking about him again!?!? Think of the devil and he shall appear though as shortly after the green haired kid and the cute dimple girl walk in comes my least favorite Pikachu wannabe. 

This could not possibly get any worse unless- "Hey Y/n, looks like we're gonna be sitting next to each other." Unless that happens. All I wanted to do was try and get better at controlling my quirk and I've ended up getting seated next to the first person I met at this school, who probably was trying to be my friend and I yelled at him and probably hurt his feelings before our first class even started. This is shaping up to be the best first day ever... 

As I am struggling to deal with all of the poor decisions I have made within the past 30 minutes I see a gigantic yellow worm inching its way into the classroom, this has to be a joke right. It stands up and begins to unzip revealing a face, "Hello class my name is Shota Aizawa and I am going to be your Homeroom teacher." First off, sleeping bag, that's good. Second, pro hero Eraserhead is a lot more deadpan than I thought he would be. Not that I thought he would be happy go lucky to begin with but I wasn't expecting that. "After we go over the syllabus I want you all to go get changed into your gym uniforms and meet me out on the field." Aizawa continues. Okaaaay this is taking a weird turn but I guess it could be worse? Fuck now something is gonna happen like last time, I need to keep my mouth shut.

Once everyone is changed and out on the field we see Aizawa with a baseball. He calls up the angry blonde kid, whose name turns out to be Bakugo, to throw that ball as hard as he can using his quirk. Bakugo does so without a second thought and it goes soaring over 700 meters. Aizawa begins to tell us something in a somehow serious tone, "We are going to begin an apprehension test of your quirks. None of you need to worry about how you perform except whoever comes in last. Because whoever comes in last will be kicked out of my class and expelled from U.A." I felt all the color drain from my face, I did everything I could to get into this school and now there's a chance I could be kicked out on the first day. Why can't I seem to stop talking about things getting worse.

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