Out of Control

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Trigger Warning: Anxiety attack/ Panic attack


After the waiter ran back to the kitchen I could feel the flurry of emotions beginning to kick up inside me. A mixture of anxiety, fear, panic, and guilt. I thought that I had it under control, I thought that maybe, just maybe I was able to do something without my gloves. For so long they felt like some painful reminder of everything I can't control and I thought that maybe I was beginning to be able to shed them, but that seemed to be just foolish optimism. I tried to play off what just happened while I slip my gloves back on. "That was weird, what happened?" Kaminari questioned me? "Oh uh- I don't know. Guess he just uh..." I began to panic, I didn't know what to say. Thankfully I was saved by Bakugo of all people when he began yelling at Sero.

"Did I ask for your opinion, Flat Face!?" Bakugo shouted angrily at Sero. To which Sero replied, "I'm just sayin' man, why pay extra for sweet potato fries when they are clearly the inferior fry?" It felt like you could visibly see the veins in Bakugo's head when he said, "How about I make your face as well done as the burger!!" Kirishima did his best restraining Bakugo so he wouldn't cause more of a scene than he already had. 

I felt a mild sense of relief knowing that everyone became focused on Bakugo's outburst which meant attention was diverted from me. But the feeling of anxiety still sat in the pit of my stomach, tossing and turning in it like clothes in a washing machine. I tried not to dwell on it as the waiter brought us our drinks, I ordered a raspberry lemonade. The waiter began to hand me my drink and ordinarily I would reach for it but after what just happened I became so apprehensive that I kept my hands in my lap and awkwardly waited to see if he would just set it on the table for me. Thankfully he did but that internal struggle just felt like it made things worse. "I have to get my mind off of this! It was a small slip, it's no big deal. Everything will be fine, just focus on your friends!" I thought to myself so intensely. 

20 or so minutes passed by as our food arrived. So far so good, no more discharges and I even took my jacket off and everything seems to be fine. We spent the next few minutes chatting and enjoying our meals. Kirishima being the muscle man with a huge stomach ended up ordering a 2nd sandwich to go because he figured out the single one he ordered wouldn't be enough to fill him up. We all had a good laugh about that. While we were eating Ashido asked a question that I was not prepared for. Or at least, she could not have picked a worse moment in time. "So Y/n I've been meaning to ask, what's with those gloves you always seem to wear? Are they some sort of fashion statement or what?" I instantly felt as though I started sweating. The drops of anguish and salty fear running down my face. But, I tried to placate her, "They were a gift from someone so I uh, wear them to remind me of them..." "Ok that was the best you could come up with, that's like half the whole truth you moron." I said mentally beating myself up.

Well that half truth seemed to not only fool her but seemed to invigorate her as well. "Awww that's awesome. They look really cool, can I try one on? Pretty please?? I promise I won't damage it in any way, pinkie promise!" I felt nervous at the question, "I-uh well um-" Kirishima jumped in, "Yeah they look super manly! Can I try after her? I bet my hand can totally fit." I did not expect this kind of whirlwind to stir up from one question. With a glare and a growl Bakugo also provided an opinion, "Just let them do it otherwise they won't shut up about it for the rest of the day." I began to feels pangs of guilt rise in my stomach along with the subtle anxiety that never quite quelled. "Just let them see the glove and I have a great meme to show you." Sero said to me, holding up his phone as though it had some sort of juicy secret kept within. And just like that is when everything started to get out of control.

As Ashido began to speak again, I could see her breath rise from her mouth like steam from a hot spring on a frozen mountain. "Brr hey did it get colder in here or is it just me?" Kaminari shivered slightly, "Yea now that you mention it. Did they turn up the AC or something? I'm surprised our drinks didn't freeze." Kaminari tried to laugh off what was going on but I could tell he felt something was amiss. The guilt and fear began to swell, I had to get out of there. "I need to go to the bathroom real quick." I dashed off before anyone could say anything and rushed past the waiter as he was brining Kirishima's To-Go order. I ran inside the bathroom and tried to compose myself. Deep breath, in and out, in and out. The breathing didn't seem to help as I began to notice the mirrors began to frost over. That's when it really kicked in, the shame. It felt like the walls were going to close in around me, at any second someone would burst in screaming at me, "What have you done?" The friends I've made at UA, the ones sitting right there at that table will leave... "What a monster." "What a loser. He can't even control his quirk." "How did he get into this school? He's never gonna make it a UA." It was too much. I couldn't take it. I had to get out. I needed to get out.

Kaminari POV

Y/n ran out of here pretty quickly. I hope he's ok. He started acting really odd when Ashido started asking about his gloves. I was also kinda wondering what they about but I didn't want to ask. It felt like he and I were just getting onto the right footing and I didn't want to stick my nose in all of his business. And what was with the temperature just now? It went back up just as quickly as it went down. I know Y/n's quirk has to do with that kinda stuff, but he wasn't the one doing that...right? Maybe I should go check on him.

I made my way over to the bathroom and just as I was about to knock the door swings open and Y/n bolts out almost knocking me on my ass. What was that about? Where is he going in such a hurry? I was too late to notice that as I asked myself those questions that when I looked in the bathroom the mirrors were completely frozen over. There was a slick sheen of frost on the sinks where the faucet runoff had frozen. Panic began to set it as I realized something had happened and Y/n just ran off who knows where. And he should not be alone.

A/n: Sorry I've been away for so long ^.^; I have recently rediscovered a passion for my writing so let's see how long it lasts. Thanks to everyone who has read my story thus far. Anytime I see double digit views it makes me so happy <3

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